Hi all,

I have got the following Threat Triage rule related to our Metron use case.
After I have configured the threat triage inside Metron Management UI.
However, I cannot see any result inside Elasticsearch after this
configuration. Do I need to do any other configuration related to Threat
Triage? Is there any issue with the current configuration? I haven't seen
any error related to Threat Triage inside Storm or Elasticsearch log. I
cannot see any Storm topology related to threat triage!

"enrichment": {
"fieldMap": {
"geo": [
"fieldToTypeMap": {},
"config": {}
"threatIntel": {
"fieldMap": {},
"fieldToTypeMap": {},
"config": {},
"triageConfig": {
"riskLevelRules": [
"name": "Critical severity rule",
"comment": "",
"rule": "syslog_severity== 'emergencies' or syslog_severity== 'alert' or
syslog_severity== 'critical'",
"score": 100,
"reason": null
"name": "High severity rule",
"comment": "",
"rule": "syslog_severity== 'error'",
"score": 75,
"reason": null
"name": "Medium severity rule",
"comment": "",
"rule": "syslog_severity== 'warning'",
"score": 50,
"reason": null
"name": "Low severity rule",
"comment": "",
"rule": "syslog_severity== 'info' or syslog_severity== 'debugging'",
"score": 25,
"reason": null
"aggregator": "MAX",
"aggregationConfig": {}
"configuration": {}


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