METRON-831, PR @

Just so we're clear, let's assume the following:

   - Enrichment table called 'enrichments'
   - Enrichment CF called 't'
   - A message field called user_ids that is a list of user IDs
   - The enrichment type for this HBase enrichment is 'et'
   - The indicator in the HBase enrichment is a user ID
   - You want a certain field out of the HBase enrichment data per user
   ID.  Let's call that field 'login_time'

In order do that with METRON-831, you'd do the following to get the login
time fields for the list of users.  For the sake of simplicity, I'll break
it into temporary variables:

   - enriched_users := MAP( user_ids, &( user_id : ENRICHMENT_GET('et',
   user_id, 'enrichments', 't') ) )
   - login_times := MAP(enriched_users, &( enrichment : MAP_GET(enrichment,
   'login_time') ) )
      - MAP_GET here retrieves the value associated with the key
      'login_time', which is the name.

Since you probably don't want intermediate values out there, you might want
to smash that into one big statement (we need a way to remove temporary
variables in stellar enrichments, btw):

   - MAP(MAP( user_ids, &( user_id : ENRICHMENT_GET('et', user_id,
   'enrichments', 't') ) ), &( enrichment : MAP_GET(enrichment, 'login_time')
   ) )

On a side-note, it might be nice to have an optional arg to ENRICHMENT_GET
that lets you specify just the fields to return.  That would simplify the
call to:

   - MAP( user_ids, &( user_id : ENRICHMENT_GET('et', user_id,
   'enrichments', 't', ['login_time']) ) )

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:10 PM, Casey Stella <> wrote:

> There'll be a JIRA and a PR tonight ;) It sprung from the keyboard.  I've
> been waiting for a good reason for some time. heh
> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Otto Fowler <>
> wrote:
>> Is there a Jira for the MAP Casey?
>> On April 6, 2017 at 14:07:15, Casey Stella ( wrote:
>> Ok, so yeah, you've hit upon a limitation currently.  Right now, via
>> Stellar you can use ENRICHMENT_GET which takes the following parameters:
>>    - enrichment_type - The enrichment type
>>    - indicator - The string indicator to look up
>>    - hbase_table - The HBase Table to use
>>    - column_family - The Column Family to use
>> Right now we only accept a string for the indicator (which likely would
>> be your user_id).  You'd probably like to call ENRICHMENT_GET for each id
>> in the user_id variable.  We can't quite do that yet.  There has been some
>> talk about a MAP function created where you can apply a stellar function
>> across a list of values.  i.e. MAP( user_id, @ENRICHMENT_GET('et', $,
>> 'enrichments', 't')) which would return a list containing the output of
>> ENRICHMENT_GET for each call.
>> There is another, more immediate change that could be made for this
>> specific case.  We could enable ENRICHMENT_GET to take a list of indicators
>> as the second argument.
>> Sorry, that doesn't exactly solve your problem in the immediate-case, but
>> it provides some context for future fixes. ;)  I don't suppose you know the
>> length of the list beforehand, right?  Even the maximum size?
>> Casey
>> On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Ali Nazemian <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was wondering how I can achieve the following use case in the current
>>> version of Metron?
>>> I want to have attributes in the Metron JSON object that are an array.
>>> For example, if a threat is impacting multiple users, they are all
>>> contained in an attribute (e.g.  user_id:[id1, id2, id3]).   Now if I want
>>> to enrich the event with data that requires the user_id as a key in
>>> enrichment stored in HBASE, how would I do this?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ali

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