On Dec 11, 2005, at 20:26, Sonic wrote:


As to your question: I found that the only relatively reliable way to work with Midgard's documentation is to use Google Search to navigate and google cache to display the actual pages. After weeks of getting random login prompts, timeouts, empty pages and 404 errors, I had to resort to this method and found that while it is not really comfortable, it is at least reliable and turns up more information than navigating the site directly.

This was mainly due to MidCOM search tool pointing the links to https instead of http. This was fixed
last week.

If you find any other pieces of docs that are not working, please let me know.

What is partly usable is http://www.midgard-project.org/api-docs/ midcom/stable/ (although I have to laugh every time I read "welcome to undocumented!" on the start page. This should be the motto for all Midgard dcumentation :-).

Yep. "midcom" would be a much more sensible default module to end up. The current PhpDoc setup
could use some tuning.

FWIW, I've summed up some of my findings here: http:// midgardwiki.contentcontrol-berlin.de I'm fairly sure that half of it is completely wrong or at least inaccurate, but hey, maybe it can provide a few clues.

BTW, now that we have wiki software running for Midgard's documentation area, it would be great to
start merging stuff in from your wiki. What do you think?

Some docs on how the Midgard wiki works:
http://www.midgard-project.org/documentation/how-to-contribute- documentation/



Henri Bergius
Consultant Partner, Nemein

Midgard CMS

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