Hello everyone,

I have just started exploring ofbiz POS and WebPos modules.

Problems with POS:
1] i'm unable to see my own created product in POS.
2] unable to add already added product to cart. It shows "Item Modification
Error" whenever i select any product. In console it shows following

Exception: org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.CartItemModifyException
Message: Could not find a valid price for the product with ID [ENCHILADAS],
adding to cart.

Problems with WebPOS:
1] i'm unable to see my own created product in POS.
2] unable to add already added product to cart. No error or Exception
generates in logs/console. it shows item added to cart msg in log/console.

So, Plz can anyone help/suggest me how i can achieve such simple task from
POS and WebPOs. Or suggest me some documents for it.

i have created product under specific catalog & category as well as in Demo
Catalog also.

i'm using apache-ofbiz-12.04.01 version.

i've read following link, but its not really useful.
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/POS+System

Thnax in Advance.
Kushal Darji

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