Surely the first step in considering a specialized component for sub-project 
creation would be the level of activity surrounding the component?

Looking at the history of the projectmgr component I see 12 commits in the last 
TWO years 8 of which were global changes that coincidentally happened to touch 
on that component (translation work, global refactorings etc.).  This leaves 
only 4 commits specific to the component and even those are minor UI 

To be considered as a potential sub-project I would expect to see a hive of 
activity around that component with contributors specializing in solid 
contributions to further enhance it.  "Build it and they will come" is not a 
valid approach to sub-project creation.

If this component is so important to some of you, why are you not contributing 
to its enhancement?


On 3/10/2014, at 2:56 am, Ron Wheeler <> wrote:

> Of course, I see a lot of benefit in the Apache approach of sub-projects but 
> perhaps the current group of committers should take some time to consider 
> this and talk to the Apache Mentors assigned to the project as well as some 
> of the project chairpersons from projects where sub-projects are in use.
> One of the advantages of being an Apache project is that there are many 
> things for which there is an "Apache Way" and there are people in the broader 
> Apache community that can provide information and guidance.
> To Jacopo's point about trust.
> I may trust someone to do one thing but not another.
> I may trust someone with a critical task that I would not entrust to another 
> person who might be technically capable of doing it.
> As a project manager, I may trust someone to work on a particular part of an 
> application but not on the data access.
> For the project to grow, the people working on the framework are going to 
> have to get used to the idea that total strangers will be committing code to 
> the project.
> The sub-project structure allows this to happen in a controlled way.
> It also allows sub-projects to attract the "right" mix of people which would 
> be a totally different set of skills than the Framework project would want.
> Each sub-project will develop a team personality based on the sub-project's 
> mission and the type of people required to implement the mission.
> I would expect the framework sub-project to be "hard core" technical people 
> who know a lot about databases, security, entity modeling whereas the 
> e-Commerce team will have people who are very knowledgeable about taxation, 
> payment system integration, shopping cart design, user experience, and 
> end-user documentation.
> The Project Management sub-project will attract people who know a lot about 
> billing for consulting companies, accounting firms and legal offices as well 
> project management, workflow, issue tracking, user interfaces, web services, 
> etc.
> I would expect some overlap since many of the people here are very senior and 
> have skills in multiple areas but I suspect that most new people will start 
> in one sub-project and "cut their teeth" there before joining another.
> If it is done right it also makes everyone's job a lot easier and should 
> reduce the amount of ML traffic for each person.
> Ron
> On 02/10/2014 9:22 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
>> In my opinion we should avoid reconsidering the idea of creating committers 
>> with limited access; instead I would prefer to invite committers when we 
>> trust them as individuals, when they have demonstrated the right attitude 
>> and skills to work in our community etc... and demonstrate enough technical 
>> skills for the work they have to do; even if it is limited to a subset of 
>> the OFBiz codebase they will get full access to the repos but of course they 
>> will limit their field of action to the area they know, without requiring us 
>> to enforce commit rights limitations. As I said this can only work if we 
>> trust them 100% as persons at first.
>> Jacopo
>> On Oct 2, 2014, at 2:30 PM, Jacques Le Roux <> 
>> wrote:
>>> That's an interesting idea.
>>> Now it also means more administration and we are already a bit sparse on 
>>> the volunteering front.
>>> A simpler solution the OFBiz project used was to allow write access to only 
>>> parts of the repo.
>>> This was before the Apache era. We gave up this way of doing because it was 
>>> not the Apache way.
>>> I have not read it all yet but for instance I read in 
>>> <<There may be extraordinary cases where we want limited work-related 
>>> commit access. This will be resolved during the vote discussion. >>
>>> I don't know how technically this is possible in OFBiz trunk and branches, 
>>> apart maybe asking the infra team? Which would most probably faces a veto...
>>> Jacques
>>> Le 01/10/2014 16:46, Ron Wheeler a écrit :
>>>> The sub-project is a very useful Apache tool for helping projects grow.
>>>>  is interesting reading.
>>>> very minimal description about Ant 
>>>> sub-projects but we all use their work.
>>>>  a note about the official closure of a sub-project - very clear about why 
>>>> and what closure means.
>>>>  another popular sub-project. 
>>>> Description implies that it started in incubation and graduated to a 
>>>> top-level package and then became a sub-project of Ant.
>>>>  is an example of a sub-project moving between two top-level projects.
>>>> The sub-project structure allows for more specialization within the 
>>>> project resources so that people who are wizards with databases, kernels, 
>>>> etc get to worry about data access, performance, scalability, reliability, 
>>>> security while others who have more domain interest get to worry about 
>>>> features, usability, graphic design, workflow, reporting without getting 
>>>> in each other's hair.
>>>> It also ensures a clearer demarcation between framework, core ERP and 
>>>> modules.
>>>> I suspect that it would clean up project communication since people could 
>>>> subscribe to the sub-project lists that pertained to their interests.
>>>> It might be easier for the existing community to accept new committers if 
>>>> the new people were part of a sub-project and were not committing to the 
>>>> particular codebase (framework, core, etc.) that the current committers 
>>>> are working on.
>>>> It probably would help clarify the documentation since there would be a 
>>>> much clearer separation of framework from core from modules since each 
>>>> sub-project would have its own section in the project documentation.
>>>> Each sub-project would have a much better defined target audience so 
>>>> writing docs would be a bit simpler and the language and terminology could 
>>>> be more relevant to the target audience.
>>>> Ron
>>>> On 01/10/2014 10:17 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>>>>> Ron,
>>>>> In the past there was a WIKI page decribing who was interested and who 
>>>>> was willing to work on what. I don't know whether that page still exists.
>>>>> In the past we also had a system of having committers dedicated and 
>>>>> committed to a subset of the trunk. This should still be feasible. But 
>>>>> for that you need more committers. And to get more committers, this 
>>>>> project needs to solicit and accept more.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Pierre Smits
>>>>> *ORRTIZ.COM <>*
>>>>> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>>> Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>>> Services and Retail & Trade
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Ron Wheeler 
>>>>> < <>> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>    A defined method of deciding what moves from the trunk to a
>>>>>    release would solve this.
>>>>>    Back to my previous comment about 1 person to test and 1 person to
>>>>>    fix bugs (could be the same person I suppose) would be a good
>>>>>    starting minimum.
>>>>>    Ron
>>>>>    On 01/10/2014 2:56 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>>>>>        The excuse of using PROJECTMgr in an older branch (12.x, the
>>>>>        latest stable
>>>>>        release) and testing it against trunk and therefor not
>>>>>        including it in a
>>>>>        release of a newer branch, is a lame one.
>>>>>        We are diligent about this, meaning that we do follow up
>>>>>        against any
>>>>>        potential new release branch in order to be able to migrate to
>>>>>        the newer
>>>>>        branch when there is something released.
>>>>>        Pierre Smits
>>>>>        *ORRTIZ.COM <http://ORRTIZ.COM> <>*
>>>>>        Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>>>        Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>>>        Services and Retail & Trade
>>>>>        On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Jacopo Cappellato <
>>>>>        <>> wrote:
>>>>>            The fact that someone is using it in an older branch and
>>>>>            testing it in
>>>>>            trunk is not enough to guarantee it works well with 13.07;
>>>>>            the trunk and
>>>>>            13.07 are very different codebases.
>>>>>            Additionally, the "projectmgr" component has 0 unit tests;
>>>>>            I am not sure
>>>>>            about about its stability, but for example comments in
>>>>>            code like the
>>>>>            following don't make me feel super confident:
>>>>>            <!-- temporary disabled because it caused a db lock with the
>>>>>            checkProjectMembership in projectpermission services -->
>>>>>            One more point to note: since the component has not been
>>>>>            in the 13.07
>>>>>            branch, it didn't undergo the 1-year long stabilization
>>>>>            phase where only
>>>>>            bug-fixes are backported: for example, one month ago, with
>>>>>            revision
>>>>>            1618313, it was modified by a big commit to replace a
>>>>>            series of Freemarker
>>>>>            built-ins operation that we decided to not backport to
>>>>>            13.07 but only keep
>>>>>            in the trunk.
>>>>>            Jacopo
>>>>>            On Sep 30, 2014, at 11:19 PM, Ron Wheeler
>>>>>            <
>>>>>            <>>
>>>>>            wrote:
>>>>>                So, as far as is known from Pierre's testing, there is
>>>>>                no work required
>>>>>            to "stabilize and bug fix" the module prior to including
>>>>>            it in 13.07.01?
>>>>>                Anyone else have any comments on the work required to
>>>>>                include it in
>>>>>            13.07.01?
>>>>>                Ron
>>>>>                On 30/09/2014 5:13 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>>>>>                    Ron, All,
>>>>>                    We use the latest released branch, meaning 12.x.
>>>>>                    We don't expose our
>>>>>                    customers to an unstable unreleased branch, that
>>>>>                    is still undergoing
>>>>>                    significant changes.
>>>>>                    But, we test our solutions against trunk. This
>>>>>                    enables us to identify
>>>>>                    issues and register them in JIRA. And supply
>>>>>                    patches when workload
>>>>>            allows
>>>>>                    it.
>>>>>                    So yes, PROJECTMGR, SCRUM, etc work also in r13.x
>>>>>                    Regards,
>>>>>                    Pierre Smits
>>>>>                    *ORRTIZ.COM <http://ORRTIZ.COM>
>>>>>                    <>*
>>>>>                    Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>>>                    Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>>>                    Services and Retail & Trade
>>>>>                    On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Ron Wheeler <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>                        Are you using it with a 12.04 or 13.xx?
>>>>>                        What work is required to get it into 13.07?
>>>>>                        Ron
>>>>>                        On 30/09/2014 3:06 PM, Pierre Smits wrote:
>>>>>                            Yes, I also have a vested interest in
>>>>>                            keeping this (PROJECTMGR) in the
>>>>>                            releases. It is part of our ORRTIZ:COM
>>>>>                            solution portfolio for our
>>>>>                            customers
>>>>>                            and we use it internally. And I have
>>>>>                            contributed to the improvement
>>>>>            of the
>>>>>                            component.
>>>>>                            We, at ORRTIZ:COM, even use an extension
>>>>>                            to the code base to ensure
>>>>>            that
>>>>>                            it
>>>>>                            also works for fixed price and internal
>>>>>                            projects. This extension
>>>>>            includes
>>>>>                            generating the gl transactions regarding
>>>>>                            the cost price of each hour
>>>>>                            registered regarding a project.
>>>>>                            We also use the LDAP component to connect
>>>>>                            to our directory server
>>>>>            (Apache
>>>>>                            Directory Server).
>>>>>                            Regards,
>>>>>                            Pierre Smits
>>>>>                            *ORRTIZ.COM <http://ORRTIZ.COM>
>>>>>                            <>*
>>>>>                            Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>>>                            Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>>>                            Services and Retail & Trade
>>>>>                            On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Ron Wheeler
>>>>>            <rwheeler@artifact-software.
>>>>>                            com
>>>>>                                wrote:
>>>>>                                It would be for me since it is one of
>>>>>                                the components that I want to
>>>>>            use.
>>>>>                                Perhaps the more knowledgeable people
>>>>>                                might want to share a bit more
>>>>>            of
>>>>>                                the background of the feature.
>>>>>                                Is it in 12.xx.xx?
>>>>>                                Is it currently in the 13.07 branch
>>>>>                                and therefor currently part of
>>>>>            the
>>>>>                                13.07 versions that people have put in
>>>>>                                production or is it just in
>>>>>            the
>>>>>                                trunk that people are putting into
>>>>>                                production?
>>>>>                                What are the issues that need to be
>>>>>                                addressed before it is
>>>>>            "stabilized
>>>>>                                and
>>>>>                                bug fixed"?
>>>>>                                Do any of these issues pose a
>>>>>                                significant risk to the stability of
>>>>>            the
>>>>>                                rest of the functionality?
>>>>>                                Is anyone using it in production? What
>>>>>                                are their opinions of the
>>>>>            state of
>>>>>                                the code and the degree of risk?
>>>>>                                Is anyone prepared to take on the task
>>>>>                                of getting it "stabilized and
>>>>>            bug
>>>>>                                fixed" to a point where it can be
>>>>>                                safely included?
>>>>>                                What is the estimate of the minimum
>>>>>                                effort required?
>>>>>                                Ron
>>>>>                                On 30/09/2014 9:58 AM, Mike wrote:
>>>>>                                  Why not deploy it as another
>>>>>                                hot-deploy component?   Is it
>>>>>            considered a
>>>>>                                    "core" ERP component?
>>>>>                                    On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 2:59 AM,
>>>>>                                    Pierre Smits <
>>>>>   <>>
>>>>>                                    wrote:
>>>>>                                       Jacopo,
>>>>>                                        Back then there were already
>>>>>                                        strong objections to excluding
>>>>>            components
>>>>>                                        from
>>>>>                                        the release. I recall that
>>>>>                                        Hans also wanted to keep the SCRUM
>>>>>            component
>>>>>                                        in
>>>>>                                        the release, as well as there
>>>>>                                        were proponents for BIRT and other
>>>>>                                        components.
>>>>>                                        These are good additions to
>>>>>                                        the feature set of OFBiz and
>>>>>                                        may be in
>>>>>            use
>>>>>                                        already by community members.
>>>>>                                        It would be best that you
>>>>>                                        solicit the
>>>>>                                        advice
>>>>>                                        of the entire community before
>>>>>                                        a decision on excluding components
>>>>>            from
>>>>>                                        any
>>>>>                                        release is taken. This affects
>>>>>                                        more participants in this project
>>>>>            than
>>>>>                                        just
>>>>>                                        you and the committers.
>>>>>                                        Regards,
>>>>>                                        Pierre Smits
>>>>>                                        *ORRTIZ.COM
>>>>> <http://ORRTIZ.COM>
>>>>> <>*
>>>>>                                        Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>>>                                        Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>>>                                        Services and Retail & Trade
>>>>>                                        On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:49
>>>>>                                        AM, Jacopo Cappellato <
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>                                        wrote:
>>>>>                                           Ok, got it.
>>>>>                                            The release process that
>>>>>                                            the OFBiz community is
>>>>>                                            following is
>>>>>            based on
>>>>>                                            a
>>>>>                                            feature freeze phase, that
>>>>>                                            for the 13.07 branch
>>>>>                                            started more than
>>>>>            one
>>>>>                                              year
>>>>>                                          ago, during which only bug
>>>>>                                        fixes are backported.
>>>>>                                            This is done in order to
>>>>>                                            stabilize the branch
>>>>>                                            before an official
>>>>>                                            release
>>>>>                                            is done. Since the
>>>>>                                            "projectmgr" component has
>>>>>                                            never been part of
>>>>>            the
>>>>>                                              13.07
>>>>>                                          branch then it may be unsafe
>>>>>                                        to include it now just before the
>>>>>            release
>>>>>                                            is
>>>>>                                            issued. It would be better
>>>>>                                            to discuss its inclusion
>>>>>                                            in the
>>>>>            upcoming
>>>>>                                            new
>>>>>                                            release branch where it
>>>>>                                            could be stabilized and
>>>>>                                            bug fixed.
>>>>>                                            Regards,
>>>>>                                            Jacopo
>>>>>    --     Ron Wheeler
>>>>>    President
>>>>>    Artifact Software Inc
>>>>>    email:
>>>>>    <>
>>>>>    skype: ronaldmwheeler
>>>>>    phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102
> -- 
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email:
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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