Hi Mark,

this is a community list where alle the communication and collaboration takes place, besides development in d...@ofbiz.apache.org. Normally the traffic is not that high and we should not limit colaboration and interpersonal communication here, as long as it is related to the community.

To keep your inbox clean you could configure a filter and sort the mailing list mails out in a subfolder. That's how i manage the traffic of several open source community lists.


Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 20.05.15 um 14:09 schrieb Mark Schneider:
Hi guys

For days I am getting a lot of messages "Re: Welcome to our new committers" For me they are quite useless and a kind of SPAM. Can we limit the amount of such mails, please?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards, Mark

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