Hi Arjun,

Please update your local copy, this has been fixed at trunk at r#1697574.

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Dixit

> On Aug 24, 2015, at 10:54 PM, Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> See on dev ml.
> Pierre Smits
> *ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
> Based Manufacturing, Professional
> Services and Retail & Trade
> http://www.orrtiz.com
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 5:26 PM, Adrian Crum <
> adrian.c...@sandglass-software.com> wrote:
>> Do whatever it takes to fix it.
>> Adrian Crum
>> Sandglass Software
>> www.sandglass-software.com
>> On 8/24/2015 3:58 AM, Deepak Dixit wrote:
>>> Thanks Pierre,
>>> I would like to commit the fix, and my preference is to add the missing
>>> code in header.ftl file.
>>> But first I would like to know your/Adrain's thought on this :)
>>> Thanks & Regards
>>> —
>>> Deepak Dixit
>>> On Aug 24, 2015, at 4:24 PM, Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Deepak,
>>>> Thanks. Will have a look at both.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Pierre Smits
>>>> *ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
>>>> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>> Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>> Services and Retail & Trade
>>>> http://www.orrtiz.com
>>>> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Deepak Dixit <
>>>> deepak.di...@hotwaxsystems.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Pierre,
>>>>> I replied to commit r#r1686655  to another thread for the same.
>>>>> BTW its related to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6362
>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>> —
>>>>> Deepak Dixit
>>>>> On Aug 24, 2015, at 4:10 PM, Pierre Smits <pierre.sm...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> @Deepak,
>>>>>> Where is that piece of code missing? Shouldn't we raise a JIRA issue
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> this?
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Pierre Smits
>>>>>> *ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>*
>>>>>> Services & Solutions for Cloud-
>>>>>> Based Manufacturing, Professional
>>>>>> Services and Retail & Trade
>>>>>> http://www.orrtiz.com
>>>>>> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Deepak Dixit <
>>>>>> deepak.di...@hotwaxsystems.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Arjun,
>>>>>>> This is working fine in ofbiz14.12 release. This is broken in trunk
>>>>>>> due
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> r#1686655. js files not loaded correctly due to mission js you webpos
>>>>>>> functionality is broken.
>>>>>>> For quick fix you can add the following code in header.fl after the
>>>>>>> layoutSettings.VT_HDR_JAVASCRIPT inclusion:
>>>>>>> {code}
>>>>>>> <#if layoutSettings.javaScripts?has_content>
>>>>>>>       <#list layoutSettings.javaScripts as javaScript>
>>>>>>>           <script
>>>>> src="<@ofbizContentUrl>${StringUtil.wrapString(javaScript)}</@ofbizContentUrl>"
>>>>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>>>>>>       </#list>
>>>>>>>   </#if>
>>>>>>> {code}
>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>>> —
>>>>>>> Deepak Dixit
>>>>>>> On Aug 20, 2015, at 4:41 PM, Arjun Rajappan <arjun.igeni...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> Why still there is no reply for this mail ?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Arjun R
>>>>>>>> On Aug 15, 2015 4:12 PM, "Arjun Rajappan" <arjun.igeni...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>>>>>> I am trying to work with webpos for past two days. Can't able to
>>>>>>>>> understand it clearly and also some buttons are not working. And
>>>>>>>> keyboard
>>>>>>>> shortcuts are missing.
>>>>>>>>> I am using Apache ofbiz version 12.04 which checked out from ofbiz
>>>>>>>> trunk.
>>>>>>>>> I installed successfully with mysql database.
>>>>>>>>> i opened ofbiz webpos via following url :
>>>>>>>>> https://localhost:8443/webpos/control/main
>>>>>>>>> i logged in with credentials admin as username and password as ofbiz
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>> selected pos terminal 1.
>>>>>>>>> Its successfully opened the webpos main screen.
>>>>>>>>> Problem 1 : I am seeing keyboard shortcuts section at the top. *But
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> blank.*
>>>>>>>>> Then i clicked on digital gizmo from the section "Products from this
>>>>>>>>> catagory" it has added 1 quantity of digital gizmo to the cart with
>>>>>>>> price.
>>>>>>>>> Problem 2: There is no buttons available for me to do rest of the
>>>>>>>> things.
>>>>>>>> How can i complete this payment process for this order.
>>>>>>>>> Right side of the window we can see Select sales reps section :
>>>>>>>>> Yes i do selected some of those
>>>>>>>>> Problem 3 : once i selected what should i do. Where do i have to
>>>>>>>> click.
>>>>>> Or
>>>>>>>> what is the use of selecting sales reps.
>>>>>>>>> Then i switched on to manager window.
>>>>>>>>> I Clicked on open terminal. By response it has open a box and asking
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>> opening "
>>>>>>>>> Starting Drawer Amount
>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>> I have entered "1000" and clicked on Do you confirm? button.
>>>>>>>>> Problem 4 : No response for the click in "Do you confirm" button.
>>>>>>>>> Also
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> "cancel" button. And not any information to user. Or not any errors.
>>>>>>>>> Same in the case of Close terminal , paid in and paid out. Except
>>>>>>>>> shut
>>>>>>>>> down.
>>>>>>>>> And clicked on shut down button it successfully logged out.
>>>>>>>>> Note : i am facing same problems in ofbiz-trunk-demo version also.
>>>>>>>>> Did i got it wrong ??
>>>>>>>>> Did i missed any pre-configurations ??
>>>>>>>>> Please guide me with this problems i am facing.
>>>>>>>>> Any help documents or configurations regarding my problem will be
>>>>>>>> welcome.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>>>> Sorry for my bad English.
>>>>>>>>> Find the screenshot in attachment.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Arjun

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