Well, no love there. So I'm back where I started. /var/log/boot.log tells me:
Starting OFBiz: failure

Only users root or root should start/stop the application

If anyone has any idea, I'm all ears.

On 05/03/2016 09:53 PM, Craig Parker wrote:
Well, I just stumbled on ./tools/rc.ofbiz.for.debian and found another line like that. Changed it and rebooted, but saw after that there was also an Ubuntu version or the file, so maybe it works, maybe not.

On 05/03/2016 09:50 PM, Chris Clark wrote:
Jesus autocorrect and its fun ways. That's "dabbled in ofbiz" and "sys v
init scripts"
On May 3, 2016 8:48 PM, rip...@gmail.com wrote:

Don't know if I'm helping or hurting but I dabbled in off is for a moment before I switched to magneto, and newer versions of linux use systemd and
stray away for sys v unit scripts.  I got off is to start at startup, by
creating a modified systemd service script. Google systems services I guess
On May 3, 2016 8:44 PM, "Craig Parker" <cr...@fossfolks.com> wrote:

I've been following along on this site:

and can /etc/init.t/ofbiz start/stop/restart as root, but it won't fire up
at boot. Before I edited /etc/init.d/ofbiz, there was a line that said
"OFBIZ_USER=ofbiz" When I tried, as root to run /etc/init.d/ofbiz start,
I'd get an error:
Starting OFBiz: failure

Only users root or ofbiz should start/stop the application

Like I said, I can start it now manually as root, but it won't fire up as
boot. In /var/log/boot.log, I see that same error, except now it says
"...Only users root or root..."

What'd I miss? I'm running Ubuntu Server 14.04 just using the default built
in database at the moment.

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