Hi Murali,

Sessions between two web applications cannot be shared and this is done by
design for security reasons. This is part of Apache server specification
and not specific to OFBiz. In OFBiz, when web app is changed and  you use
externalLoginKey as a parameter and send it in URL , new session is not
created and same userLogin is used.

Now talking about saveLastView in OFBiz, I think it is not currently
supported that you can save last view among multiple web-applications. I
have not looked much into the code, but you can try using externalLoginKey
and see if saveLastView works. If it works, you will also have to make sure
that request which you want to save exists in both (the one in which you
are using and the other to which you navigated) the  web applications.

Divesh Dutta.

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 7:01 PM, Murali Shankar Gopalakrishnan <
murali...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am using Ofbiz 12.04. Am trying to implement a feature where a user can
> goBack to the previous page. Used the "SaveLastView" feature and it works
> well until the user is in the same WebApp.
> When the user navigates to another webapp the SaveLastView Does not work.
> On investigating realized that there is a new session created when the user
> navigates into a new WebApp, and the new session Object does not hold the
> SavedView of the previous session
> I also realized there is an entity called UserLoginSessions, and this
> entity is never populated.
> Any help to share the SaveLastView amongst Webapps (sessions) much
> appreciated
> Thanks.

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