Thanks all for your thoughts.

Tim, rightly said the core strength of OFBiz has been the built-in ERP and
universal database along with the framework (services, entity engine,
security, logging etc.). I believe since most of the contributors, service
providers, end users etc. use OFBiz as a built-in ERP product, the focus
may have never been on isolating the framework in its own installable
component. I would not say it is not possible today but having a framework
only component would open the gates to develop other business application
on top of OFBiz similar to what Spring and other framework provides. I see
the segregation of the specialpupose/plugin as a right step in the
direction of completely isolating the components.

Taher, If you and other agree with the name is actually misleading for new
users and others who cannot keep up with the latest developments, I think
adding a note in the documentation would certainly help.


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