Hi there,

Haven't got much response to this issue, is this something only happening to 
me? It just feels the webpos is much too basic right now. Does anyone know the 
status of it?

Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,


Frank Herrman

Solutions Architect


Typify B.V.

Regulusweg 11

2516 AC Den Haag

Tel.                        +31 70 780 11 55

Mob.                     +31 62 806 52 79

E-mail                    f.herr...@typify.com

Web                       www.typify.com

Op 31-07-18 12:34 heeft Frank Herrman <f.herr...@typify.com> geschreven:

    Hi there,


    Another question from me. It seems that on different environments we 
experience issues with the webpos component. We are not able to login because 
the session expires immideatly. If we remove the cookies we can get in, but in 
the next step we are being logged out again. We experience this behaviour in 
Chrome, Firefox and Safari on multiple computers. The exact error:



    The Following Errors Occurred: Error calling event: 
org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Problems processing event: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getAttribute: Session already invalidated 
(getAttribute: Session already invalidated)

    Is there something we can do about this to prevent it from happening? 
Thanks again!


    kind regards,





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