It seems I got it to work somehow, but not in the right way. I installed ofbiz 
without the full demo data (which caused me many more issues, so I wouldn't 
recommend doing that...), in that case you need to manually create the 
terminals yourself in the database. That was not the issue though, I already 
did that. But if someone has this issue as well, make sure you have done that.

I did notice in the logs an error saying posTerminalId was empty. Where this 
happens I'm not sure, but therefore I altered the code 
 In getWebPosSession() I added a check if posTerminalId is not empty:

                if(UtilValidate.isEmpty(posTerminalId)) {
                    posTerminalId = request.getParameter("posTerminalId");
This is still somehow acceptable. However, this did not resolve the exception I 
was experiencing. This was raised in the same file in the posLogin method. I 
simply added a try/catch there:

        try {
                        GenericValue userLoginNew = 
                        if (userLoginNew != null && 
UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(posTerminalId)) {
        } catch(Exception e) {


Which is a really nasty solution. I'm sharing this since I hope someone can 
tell me why I needed to add this code and if I can solve it in another way 
without messing around with the code. Since I don't want to leave this code in 
there if not necessary. Furthermore, after logging in I still need to manually 
go to /main , so the function does not seem to return 'success', so I'm not 
there yet.

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Best regards,

Op 10-08-18 11:55 heeft Frank Herrman <> geschreven:

    Hi there,
    Haven't got much response to this issue, is this something only happening 
to me? It just feels the webpos is much too basic right now. Does anyone know 
the status of it?
    Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,
    Frank Herrman
    Solutions Architect
    Typify B.V.
    Regulusweg 11
    2516 AC Den Haag
    Tel.                        +31 70 780 11 55
    Mob.                     +31 62 806 52 79
    Op 31-07-18 12:34 heeft Frank Herrman <> geschreven:
        Hi there,
        Another question from me. It seems that on different environments we 
experience issues with the webpos component. We are not able to login because 
the session expires immideatly. If we remove the cookies we can get in, but in 
the next step we are being logged out again. We experience this behaviour in 
Chrome, Firefox and Safari on multiple computers. The exact error:
        The Following Errors Occurred: Error calling event: 
org.apache.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Problems processing event: 
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getAttribute: Session already invalidated 
(getAttribute: Session already invalidated)
        Is there something we can do about this to prevent it from happening? 
Thanks again!
        kind regards,

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