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Le 02/06/2020 à 15:12, Ramesh Kumar a écrit :
Hi ,
     I want to implement product price group functionality in Ofbiz
application by using Product store group id.
Ofbiz have product Store Group id implementation in product price entity. I
am facing problem on shopping cart. We have certain group of customer
associated with different price group(Product Store group id). If customer
belonging to price group 1 adding item to cart then item price related to
price group 1 should apply here. Same way another customer who belong to
another price group price should apply to related price group.
      Here Each customer after login getting price group Id and same price
group Id I want to send as input to shopping cart on cart add/get/update
operation. There is no any property available in shopping cart class to send
price group request.
If anyone has implemented this kind of feature please provide some guide to
implement this functionary properly.

Ramesh Kumar

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