Hello Community, Assume I have a routing for Asprin - a batch of 100000 tablets - manufacturing where there're 7 tasks to make the product. Lets say that in the first 5 tasks we didn't reach the 'tablet' form yet. My question is, why the 'Declare' button for one of those tasks is available?
By pressing 'declare' we have a form to edit the task where some fields I understand like actual timings but I don't get fields like QuantityProduced for such tasks where we don't have a 'finished product' yet. Also appear another form - in the - Production Run Declaration section - that allow to add an inventory item for 'any' product the user selects! Do you find it logical to have the above visible for such middle tasks? Is there a way to configure it to display with tasks that will actually deliver the finished product? Are the uses cases for this that I'm missing? Regards, Emad