Hello Jeff, The screenshot you included isn't visible to me so I'll assume that you're talking about cost component calculation 'GEN_COST_CALC' with the description 'Overhead cost (5 percent of total cost) for general costs'.
This cost calculation references custom method 'Formula that creates a cost component equal to a percentage of total product cost' that needs to be defined first in the CustomMethods entity. I'm not sure if there's a screen to maintain that but you can see this from web tools. https://demo-stable.ofbiz.apache.org/webtools/control/FindGeneric?entityName=CustomMethod One of the fields in the custom method is CustomMethodName which in this case 'productCostPercentageFormula' for custom method 'PROD_PERC_FORMULA'. If you search in the code you'll find it as follows: <service name="productCostPercentageFormula" engine="simple" location="component://product/minilang/product/cost/CostServices.xml" invoke="productCostPercentageFormula" auth="true"> <description>Formula that creates a cost component equal to a percentage of total product cost</description> <implements service="productCostCalcInterface"/> </service> <simple-method method-name="productCostPercentageFormula" short-description="Formula that creates a cost component equal to a percentage of total product cost"> <set field="productCostComponentCalc" from-field="parameters.productCostComponentCalc"/> <set field="costComponentCalc" from-field="parameters.costComponentCalc"/> <set field="inputMap.productId" from-field="productCostComponentCalc.productId"/> <set field="inputMap.currencyUomId" from-field="parameters.currencyUomId"/> <set field="inputMap.costComponentTypePrefix" from-field="parameters.costComponentTypePrefix"/> <call-service service-name="getProductCost" in-map-name="inputMap"> <result-to-field result-name="productCost"/> </call-service> <!--set field="productCostAdjustment" value="${parameters.baseCost * costComponentCalc.fixedCost}" type="BigDecimal"/--> <calculate field="productCostAdjustment" type="BigDecimal" decimal-scale="6"> <calcop operator="multiply" field="costComponentCalc.fixedCost"> <calcop operator="get" field="parameters.baseCost"/> </calcop> </calculate> <field-to-result field="productCostAdjustment"/> </simple-method> So I believe this is the workflow for adding and using mew custom methods. Regards, Emad On Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 12:14 AM Jeff Christensen <jchristen...@1wa.org> wrote: > I am trying to understand how Ofbiz can use custom cost calculations. This > is probably a big picture question where I don’t understand how custom > functions are created and installed. > > > > If I look at the demo data I see that there is an option for “Cost Custom > Method ID” > > > > > > Where is that function defined? > > > > How could I make my own? > > > > Thanks > > > > > > >