Hi Emad,

I really appreciate the answer especially when I wasn't clear with my screen 
shot. You answered my question.

I have some follow up questions:

1) The productCostPercentageFormula definition does the calculation via the 
"calcop" element. Where can I find information regarding how this mechanism 
works? i.e. What operations are allowed and syntax?

 2) I am trying to undestand the Ofbiz theory of cost calculations. I can see 
the screens for "Costs" in the Product listing. There is a lot of functionality 
there. Is there any good documentation on how to use that functionality?

3) Another qustion about custom extensions. When I look at the example Routing 
Tasks call TASK_COST there is an Estimate Calc Method called " Example task 
formula (qty * estimatedMilliSeconds * 10)". I have only found the string 
localization for this in CustomMethod.description.6000. But I don't know where 
the actual custom method is?


-----Original Message-----
From: Emad Radwan <eradwan1...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2024 2:21 AM
To: user@ofbiz.apache.org
Subject: Re: Cost calculations for product manufacturing

Hello Jeff,

The screenshot you included isn't visible to me so I'll assume that you're 
talking about cost component calculation 'GEN_COST_CALC' with the description 
'Overhead cost (5 percent of total cost) for general costs'.

This cost calculation references custom method 'Formula that creates a cost 
component equal to a percentage of total product cost'  that needs to be 
defined first in the CustomMethods entity. I'm not sure if there's a screen to 
maintain that but you can see this from web tools.


One of the fields in the custom method is CustomMethodName which in this case 
'productCostPercentageFormula' for custom method 'PROD_PERC_FORMULA'.

If you search in the code you'll find it as follows:

<service name="productCostPercentageFormula" engine="simple"
invoke="productCostPercentageFormula" auth="true">
    <description>Formula that creates a cost component equal to a percentage of 
total product cost</description>
    <implements service="productCostCalcInterface"/>

<simple-method method-name="productCostPercentageFormula"
short-description="Formula that creates a cost component equal to a percentage 
of total product cost">
    <set field="productCostComponentCalc"
    <set field="costComponentCalc" from-field="parameters.costComponentCalc"/>
    <set field="inputMap.productId"
    <set field="inputMap.currencyUomId" from-field="parameters.currencyUomId"/>
    <set field="inputMap.costComponentTypePrefix"
    <call-service service-name="getProductCost" in-map-name="inputMap">
        <result-to-field result-name="productCost"/>
    <!--set field="productCostAdjustment" value="${parameters.baseCost
* costComponentCalc.fixedCost}" type="BigDecimal"/-->
    <calculate field="productCostAdjustment" type="BigDecimal"
        <calcop operator="multiply" field="costComponentCalc.fixedCost">
            <calcop operator="get" field="parameters.baseCost"/>
    <field-to-result field="productCostAdjustment"/> </simple-method>

So I believe this is the workflow for adding and using

mew custom methods.



On Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 12:14 AM Jeff Christensen <jchristen...@1wa.org>

> I am trying to understand how Ofbiz can use custom cost calculations. 
> This is probably a big picture question where I don’t understand how 
> custom functions are created and installed.
> If I look at the demo data I see that there is an option for “Cost 
> Custom Method ID”
> Where is that function defined?
> How could I make my own?
> Thanks

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