Thanks Jacques, glad I could help.
On 28.08.2024. 17:23, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
Hi Tomislav,
I have added a note about your tool in
Thanks !
Le 22/08/2024 à 08:46, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
Hi Tomislav,
Thanks so much, I was not aware of this tools. Would you mind putting
this information in OFBiz documentation?
Le 21/08/2024 à 17:58, Tomislav Preksavec a écrit :
Hi Groza,
actually I made a tool for OfBiz labels translation a few years ago.
It's a python3 script, it runs in terminal and utilizes Google
Translate API to suggest translations. It helped me translate all of
the OfBiz UI label files (~14.5K labels) to Croatian in approx 60
You pass it the UI label filename (no path needed if you start it in
the OfBiz root directory) and locale you want to use (default locale
is 'hr', change it in file to make your life easier ;-))
and it goes through the xml finding the labels which don't have the
translation for the given locale. It displays property name, EN
locale label and GT suggested translation.
If you agree with the suggestion all you have to do is hit ENTER and
it moves to the next label. Else, you can edit the suggested label
and then hit ENTER to move on. This is a very fast workflow, you can
easily hit 200+ translations per hour.
There are some other tools included too - you can analyze UI label
file for given locale, search for label in the UI label file and
transfer translations (if you do your work on the trunk branch, you
can use it to transfer translations to some other branch, e.g.
release18.12). It has simple help system integrated in the script,
and there are some usage examples in the Github repo:
Please be sure to read the 'Known issues' section before starting,
especially be aware of the fact that your work won't be saved until
you quit the tool, so make sure to quit regularly :-) Also, I've
used it on Linux only, so there might be some issues on Win/Mac
platforms I'm not aware of.
Hope this helps,
Tomislav Preksavec
On 21. 08. 2024. 14:29, Groza Danut wrote:
Hello community,
I want to contribute Romanian translations for ecommerce labels,
because a
lot of them are missing and a lot of them are wrong.
Do I need to open a Jira issue, since this is only going to touch one
file: ofbiz-plugins\ecommerce\config\EcommerceUiLabels.xml ?
Also, are there any tools you are using to make the editing of labels
PS: should I send these kind of messages to the dev ML?
Groza Danut