I have configured 2 new queues 'launcher' and 'mapreduce' apart from
'default' in Capacity scheduler in yarn-site.
Now, I am trying to submit a Pig job via *Oozie Shell action* into those
queues queues such that the oozie launcher job goes into 'launcher' and pig
job into 'mapreduce' queue.On submitting the oozie workflow I can see that
my launcher vjob successfully runs in 'launcher' queue,but the
Pig/mapreduce job is still running in default queue.

Below is the snippet that I added to my workflow.xml for above:









I also tried using 'mapred.job.queue.name' instead of
'mapreduce.job.queuename' above and also by passing it as
-Dmapreduce.job.queuename=mapreduce while submitting the oozie job via
Oozie cli.But in every case the Pig/mapreduce job goes into 'default' queue.

Am I doing anything wrong here or is it that Oozie Shell action doesn't
support 'mapreduce.job.quenename specification?

I am using MR2, Hadoop version 2.7.1, oozie version 4.2.0.

Any help would be really appreciated.


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