
Can you submit jobs into the specified queues outside Oozie?
Is there any reason Pig Action
be used instead of Shell Action to submit Pig jobs?


On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 7:37 PM, Bijoy Deb <bijoy.comput...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have configured 2 new queues 'launcher' and 'mapreduce' apart from
> 'default' in Capacity scheduler in yarn-site.
> Now, I am trying to submit a Pig job via *Oozie Shell action* into those
> queues queues such that the oozie launcher job goes into 'launcher' and pig
> job into 'mapreduce' queue.On submitting the oozie workflow I can see that
> my launcher vjob successfully runs in 'launcher' queue,but the
> Pig/mapreduce job is still running in default queue.
> Below is the snippet that I added to my workflow.xml for above:
> *<configuration>*
> *<property>*
> *<name>oozie.launcher.mapreduce.job.queuename</name>*
> *<value>launcher</value>*
> *</property>*
> *<property>*
> *<name>mapreduce.job.queuename</name>*
> *<value>mapreduce</value>*
> *</property>*
> *</configuration>*
> I also tried using 'mapred.job.queue.name' instead of
> 'mapreduce.job.queuename' above and also by passing it as
> -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=mapreduce while submitting the oozie job via
> Oozie cli.But in every case the Pig/mapreduce job goes into 'default'
> queue.
> Am I doing anything wrong here or is it that Oozie Shell action doesn't
> support 'mapreduce.job.quenename specification?
> I am using MR2, Hadoop version 2.7.1, oozie version 4.2.0.
> Any help would be really appreciated.
> Thanks

Peter Cseh
Software Engineer

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