What about a module in integration test module? Rational is to keep the
classpath minimal to avoid side effects in tests.

Le 4 févr. 2018 19:57, "Aaron Anderson" <aaronander...@acm.org> a écrit :

Hi Romain,

If it is OK for me to add the CXF SSE transport and Tomcat WebSocket maven
dependencies to the meecrowave-core POM in the test scope I can write a
unit test to boot up Meecrowave with SSE enable and execute a couple of SSE
and normal JAX-RS requests.



On Saturday, February 3, 2018 3:48 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau <
rmannibu...@gmail.com> wrote:

Le 3 févr. 2018 21:42, "Aaron Anderson" <aaronander...@acm.org> a écrit :

Thanks Romain. After further investigation I needed to specify servlet init
parameter for Atmosphere so that it would not attempt to auto-detect the
servlet mapping:

cxf.servlet.params.org. atmosphere.container. JSR356AsyncSupport.

I also needed to apply a trivial fix to Meecrowave so that the destinations
registered on the alternative transport were registered with Meecrowave:

https://github.com/apache/ meecrowave/pull/5

Oh, this is a good one! Do you see how to add a test for it? If not i can
help next week.

After applying all of these changes I got JAX-RS SSE working!!!

Thanks for your assistance!


On Saturday, February 3, 2018 12:05 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau <
rmannibu...@gmail.com> wrote:


did you add tomcat-websocket too?

the reason behind it is to let /index.html works even if you didn't set any
application for your jaxrs endpoint and therefore we bound /* by default.

normally you don't need atmosphere setup if you have websocket and the
filter is before ours so it should work.

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau> |  Blog
<https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/> | Old Blog
<http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/> | Github
<https://github.com/rmannibucau> | LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau> | Book

2018-02-03 19:01 GMT+01:00 Aaron Anderson <aaronander...@acm.org>:

Hi All,

I made some progress on getting JAX-RS 2.1 SSE working on Meecrowave but I
encountered an issue I can't get past. To get CXF SSE working on Meecrowave
I had to do the following:

1) Add in the CXF SSE maven dependency to my runner:
            <groupId>org.apache.cxf</ groupId>
            <artifactId>cxf-rt-rs-sse</ artifactId>

2) Update my runner meecrowave.properties to exclude atomosphere (many
unresolved classes and an ambiguous CDI dependency) and also set the CXF
transport to the SSE extension transport.

scanning-package-exclude=org. atmosphere
cxf.servlet.params. transportId=http://cxf.apache. org/transports/http/sse
cxf.servlet.params.jaxrs. scope=singleton

3) In addition to setting the transport on the front for CXF request
handling the transport also needs to be set on the backend CXF
JAXRSCdiResourceExtension that discovers resources by annotation. The SSE
extension's  SseTransportCustomizationExten sion class performs this
operation but currently it is not annotated with any CDI annotations so
OpenWebBeans classpath scanning is ignoring it. I plan to open a CXF issue
on this but for now I added a CDI extension to my runner to make
OpenWebBeans aware of the class:

import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.sse.cdi. SseTransportCustomizationExten sion;

public class SSECDIExtension implements Extension {

void addBeansFromJava(@Observes final BeforeBeanDiscovery bbd, final
BeanManager bm) {
bbd.addAnnotatedType(bm. createAnnotatedType(
SseTransportCustomizationExten sion.class));

After these changes the CXF SSE atmosphere runtime starts up but the
following exception is generated:

[11:18:49.098][ERROR][           main][   org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils]
java.lang. IllegalStateException: Unable to configure jsr356 at that stage.
No Servlet associated with cxf-cdi
        at org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils. guestRawServletPath(IOUtils.
java:275) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.atmosphere.util.IOUtils. guestServletPath(IOUtils.java: 248)
[intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.atmosphere.container. JSR356AsyncSupport.<init>(
JSR356AsyncSupport.java:63) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.atmosphere.container. JSR356AsyncSupport.<init>(
JSR356AsyncSupport.java:40) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at sun.reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. newInstance0(Native
Method) [?:1.8.0_92]
        at sun.reflect. NativeConstructorAccessorImpl. newInstance(Unknown
Source) [?:1.8.0_92]
        at sun.reflect. DelegatingConstructorAccessorI
mpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_92]
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor. newInstance(Unknown Source)
        at org.atmosphere.cpr. DefaultAsyncSupportResolver.
newCometSupport( DefaultAsyncSupportResolver. java:237)
[intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.atmosphere.cpr. DefaultAsyncSupportResolver.
resolveWebSocket( DefaultAsyncSupportResolver. java:308)
[intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.atmosphere.cpr. DefaultAsyncSupportResolver. resolve(
DefaultAsyncSupportResolver. java:294) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0-
        at org.atmosphere.cpr. AtmosphereFramework. autoDetectContainer(
AtmosphereFramework.java:2083) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0-
        at org.atmosphere.cpr. AtmosphereFramework.init(
AtmosphereFramework.java:914) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.atmosphere.cpr. AtmosphereFramework.init(
AtmosphereFramework.java:838) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.cxf.transport.sse. atmosphere.
AtmosphereSseServletDestinatio n.onServletConfigAvailable(
AtmosphereSseServletDestinatio n.java:107) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0-
        at org.apache.cxf.transport.http. DestinationRegistryImpl.
onServletConfigAvailable( DestinationRegistryImpl.java: 182)
[intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.cxf.transport. servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet.
finalizeServletInit( CXFNonSpringServlet.java:99)
[intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.cxf.transport. servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet.
init(CXFNonSpringServlet.java: 91) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0-
        at org.apache.meecrowave.cxf. CxfCdiAutoSetup$
MeecrowaveCXFCdiServlet.init( CxfCdiAutoSetup.java:317)
[intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.meecrowave.cxf. CxfCdiAutoSetup$1.init(
CxfCdiAutoSetup.java:88) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.catalina.core. ApplicationFilterConfig. initFilter(
ApplicationFilterConfig.java: 277) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0-
        at org.apache.catalina.core. ApplicationFilterConfig.<init>
(ApplicationFilterConfig.java: 108) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0-
        at org.apache.catalina.core. StandardContext.filterStart(
StandardContext.java:4491) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.catalina.core. StandardContext.startInternal(
StandardContext.java:5131) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.catalina.util. LifecycleBase.start(
LifecycleBase.java:183) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.catalina.core. ContainerBase. addChildInternal(
ContainerBase.java:740) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.catalina.core. ContainerBase.addChild(
ContainerBase.java:716) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.catalina.core. StandardHost.addChild(
StandardHost.java:703) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.meecrowave. Meecrowave.deployWebapp(
Meecrowave.java:350) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at org.apache.meecrowave. Meecrowave.deployWebapp(
Meecrowave.java:203) [intworkspace-runner-2018.2.0- SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
        at myapp.CliExt.run(CliExt.java: 237) [myapp-runner-2018.2.0-
        at myapp.CliExt.main(CliExt.java: 101) [myapp-runner-2018.2.0-
[11:18:49.098][WARN ][           main][pr. DefaultAsyncSupportResolver]
Failed to create AsyncSupport class: class org.atmosphere.container.
JSR356AsyncSupport, error: java.lang.reflect. InvocationTargetException
[11:18:49.098][ERROR][           main][pr. DefaultAsyncSupportResolver]
Real error: Unable to configure jsr356 at that stage
java.lang. IllegalStateException: Unable to configure jsr356 at that stage

This error is due to CxfCdiAutoSetup  registering a ServletFilter that
delegates to an instance of MeecrowaveCXFCdiServlet instead of actually
registering the MeecrowaveCXFCdiServlet servlet with Tomcat.

I haven't looked into it in much detail but is there a reason why the
overrides provided my the filter could not be moved to
the MeecrowaveCXFCdiServlet and have it directly registered with Tomcat
where Atomosphere can access it?



On Friday, February 2, 2018 2:22 AM, Mark Struberg <strub...@yahoo.de>

Hi folks!

Just one minor point:
if you add anything from cxf then you might likely add it to the Meecrowave
libs directly.
The reason is that CXF does not use the ThreadContextClassLoader when
looking for it's own SPI implementations.
So if you have cxf-core in meecrowave-lib and the cxf jax-ws jar just in
your WAR, then CXF will not be able to find it.

That's in most cases not a blocker.
Btw, I also started with WAR packaging but nowadays almost always do

That means I package my UI module as jar and if I need anything then I use
the Servlet-3.0 webresources feature.
E.g. instead of
src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web. xml
I now have
src/main/resources/META-INF/ resources/WEB-INF/web.xml

Because since servlet-3.0 any content under META-INF/resources will be
treated by the servlet container the same as if it's available under / in
the WAR.


> Am 01.02.2018 um 07:03 schrieb Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibu...@gmail.com>:
> Hello Aaron,
> AFAIK it works yes and since we are tomcat it is just a matter of adding
the right jars and dependencies - same than websockets setup which requires
> Atmosphere has a tomcat integration too - another jar to add.
> Le 1 févr. 2018 06:33, "Aaron Anderson" <nickmalt...@yahoo.com> a écrit :
> Hi All,
> I was wondering if Meecrowave supports JAX-RS 2.1 SSE? After adding
cxf-rt-rs-sse to my Maven runner POM I am able to add all the annotation to
my endpoint and invoke it via a JavaScript EventSource but the injected
SseEventSink and Sse values are null.
> The CXF example manually registers a CXF servlet so I wonder if that is
the issue. Also the CXF project depends on Atmosphere (which I had to add
to the scanning-package-exclude list) which I think only works with Jetty
and not Tomcat.
> Any insight is appreciated. I do have Tomcat Web Sockets working but it
would be nice to have SSE working in JAX-RS so I can easily have a
reference in the endpoint to send interactive updates.
> Thanks,
> Aaron

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