On 06/08/2014 06:37 PM, ~Stack~ wrote:
> Anyway, I appreciate all the comments/discussion. The more people who
> might be interested in this means the more likely this gets worked on. :-)

As do I. Thank you for detailing your use case. Very enlightening,
though, unfortunately, I don't have a solution. Hell, I'm pretty sure
most "cloud" providers don't have a solution - after all, look at what
happens when Amazon's cloud has a problem. Netflix has their angry
monkey that unplugs stuff, but their model is different, more like the
common content distribution model, where they don't have to worry about
bidi sync.

Still worth thinking about... :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a
while, you could miss it."
  - Ferris Bueller
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 ~~ Matt Caron ~~

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