Hi Anil

Thanks for your reply.

We do not do anything explicitly in the code to do the ticket renwal , what
we do is run a cron job for the user for which the ticket has to be
renewed.  But with this approach we need a restart to get the thing going
after the ticket expiry

We use the following connection url for getting the phoenix connection
jdbc:phoenix:<zkhosts>:<zkport>:/hbase:<kerberos principal>:<path to keytab>

This along with the entries in hbase-site.xml & core-site.xml are passed to
the connection object

Sanooj Padmakumar

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 12:04 AM, anil gupta <anilgupt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> At my previous job, we had web-services fetching data from a secure hbase
> cluster. We never needed to renew the lease by restarting webserver. Our
> app used to renew the ticket. I think, Phoenix/HBase already handles
> renewing ticket. Maybe you need to look into your kerberos environment
> settings.  How are you authenticating with Phoenix/HBase?
> Sorry, I dont remember the exact kerberos setting that we had.
> HTH,
> Anil Gupta
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Sanooj Padmakumar <p.san...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> We have a rest style micro service application fetching data from hbase
>> using Phoenix. The cluster is kerberos secured and we run a cron to renew
>> the kerberos ticket on the machine where the micro service is deployed.
>> But it always needs a restart of micro service java process to get the
>> kerberos ticket working once after its expired.
>> Is there a way I can avoid this restart?
>> Any pointers will be very helpful. Thanks
>> PS : We have a Solr based micro service which works without a restart.
>> Regards
>> Sanooj
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Anil Gupta

Sanooj Padmakumar

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