The client XML file is the hbase-site.xml that is on the classpath of the
Phoenix client application.
You have to add it to the client classpath, and keep the hbase-site.xml on
the server/AWS side and the hbase-site.xml in sync.

I have no experience with Phoenix on AWS, but the above is generally true
for Phoenix.

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 4:18 AM RAISINGHANI Manish <> wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> You need to update the following three parameters:
> ·         hbase.rpc.timeout=300000
> ·         hbase.client.scanner.timeout.period=300000
> ·         phoenix.query.timeoutMs=300000
> *- Manish*
> *From:* Simon Mottram <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 12, 2021 4:23 AM
> *To:* user <>
> *Subject:* Setting hbase.rpc.timeout for Phoenix queries on AWS EMR
> Has anyone had experience of this?
> We have the issue that queries that run longer than a minute are cut
> off.   I presume this is the hbase.rpc.timeout setting.
> Our admin used the following to configure EMR, but it seems to have had no
> effect.
> The posts I can find mention setting this timeout value in the client xml
> file.  I'm not sure that's what this configuration is doing or if it's
> setting the base Hbase value which is not used by Phoenix?
> Any assistance/tip gratefully received
> Cheers
> Simon
> [
>    {
>       "InstanceGroupId":"ig-3FOHTY8X6RDNC",
>       "Configurations":[
>          {
>             "Classification":"hbase-site",
>             "Properties":{
>                "hbase.rpc.timeout":"300000"
>             },
>             "Configurations":[]
>          }
>       ]
>    }
> ]

*István Tóth* | Staff Software Engineer <>
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