So, I've got this working now, thanks again. When I did my simple test, I
noticed that a formula evaluator (which is documented as keeping "a cache
of all previously calculated intermediate cell values") actually keeps ALL
values around, whether they were calculated or just entered. So, if I did
the process in this order:

1. Create the evaluator for wb1
2. Change a value in wb1
3. Evaluate wb2 (which references wb1)

Values in wb2 would be calculated as though step 2 had never taken place.

If true, that's potentially very useful and worth documenting. (In my case,
it means I can keep formula evaluators cached as references without caring
whether other threads might change the base workbooks for their own

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 11:12 AM, Nick Burch <> wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Oct 2016, Blake Watson wrote:
>> That's just how Excel stores it for XLSX files. The link table provides
>>> the mapping between those indexes and the names shown in Excel. When POI
>>> hits one of those, it goes to the link table to find the name of the
>>> file,
>>> then checks for a setup referenced workbook with that name to resolve
>>> things with
>> ​So, when POI sees the [1] how does it know that that should map to
>> "myspreadsheet.xlsx"? Because the setupReferenced​Workbooks map is
>> "name"->evaluator. I feel like not knowing this is the key to my
>> confusion.
> The name to ID mapping is stored in the ExternalLinksTable, which comes
> from another xml file within the .xlsx bundle. That's what POI uses to
> lookup the name, and what Excel transparently uses when displaying the
> formula
> Nick
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*Blake Watson*

Application Development Manager
5898 Condor Drive
Moorpark, CA 93021
(805) 330.4911 x7742 <> <>

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