> Ceki,
> I do understand your reasoning, and thank you for your quick response.
> And since Logback natively implements SLF4J, its API will also not be 
> changed to include any new JSE 5 features, correct? Nor will new method 
> signatures specific to just Logback be created for this (if I chose to 
> use Logback without SLF4J)?

Correct. As you stated, the logback API sits on top of SLF4J. There are no 
to change that.

> This is unfortunate for those who have been using JSE 5 for some time 
> now, and still have not been able to fully take advantage of its 
> features (especially when it comes to the work of tedious logging).

You do realize that the SLF4J API already supports parameterized logging up to 
parameters? With an SLF4J logger you can write:

Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Wombat.class);
Integer t;
Integer oldT;
Integer expectedT;

logger.debug("Some message.");
logger.debug("Temperature set to {}", t);
logger.debug("Temperature set to {}. Old temperature was {}.", t, oldT);

However, SLF4J does not support 3 or more parameters. So, you could not write:

logger.debug("new={}, old={}, expected={}", t, oldT, expectedT);

You would have to write:

logger.debug("new={}, old={}, expected={}", new Integer[] {t, oldT, expectedT});

I believe that compared to the slight inconvenience above, breaking 
compatibility is a more serious concern.

> I was really excited about SLF4J/Logback when this project started, but 
> without these new features (which would simplify and reduce my coding 
> effort) it just doesn't seem worth it to convert to this logging 
> framework (even though I really appreciate the clean Logback 
> implementation). Perhaps Log4J 2.0 will incorporate these considerations 
> since it will be JSE 5 dependent. If it does, I'd have to bet that many 
> people will jump ship on SLF4J/Logback in favor of Log4J. It really is 
> too bad that the Logback API cannot be changed before it reaches version 
> 1.0.

You might also want to check out the slf4j-migrator [1] which may help with 
migration efforts, when and if you decide to migrate to SLF4J.

[1] http://slf4j.org/migrator.html

Ceki Gülcü
QOS.ch is looking to hire talented developers in Switzerland.  If
interested, please contact c e k i AT q o s . c h

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