The Spark Job that has the main DStream, could have another DStream that is
listening for "stream subscription" requests. So when a subscription is
received, you could do a filter/forEach on the main DStream and respond to
that one request. So you're basically creating a stream server that is
capable of accepting "filter requests".

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 10:30 AM, Levi Bowman <>

>  Based on my understanding something like this doesn’t seem to be
> possible out of the box, but I thought I would write it up anyway in case
> someone has any ideas.
> We have conceptually one high volume input stream, each streaming job is
> either interested in a subset of the stream or the entire stream.  We would
> like to get to the point where we could be running a large number of
> streaming jobs concurrently across a cluster.  It does not seem that
> putting a buffer like Kafka in between the source and the streaming jobs
> would be a sustainable route as all jobs would be consuming the whole
> stream and the majority of them would only be interested in a small subset
> of the available data.  As we don’t know exactly what data each job would
> be interested in up front it would be difficult to separate/partition Kafka
> topics up front.
> What I think we want is a way to have one streaming job whose output is
> passed to n other streaming jobs.  Has anyone though about implementing
> something like this?   I don’t see a way to have the Receiver for one
> streaming job be the output of another streaming job.
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