Another update that doesn't make much sense:

The SparkPi example does work on yarn-cluster mode with dynamicAllocation.

That is, the following command works (as well as with yarn-client mode):

spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --class
org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi spark-examples.jar 100

But the following one does not work (nor does it work for yarn-client mode):

spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --class
org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount spark-examples.jar

So this JavaWordCount example hangs on requesting executors, while SparkPi
and spark-shell do work.

~ Jonathan

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Jonathan Kelly <>

> Thanks for the quick response!
> spark-shell is indeed using yarn-client. I forgot to mention that I also
> have "spark.master yarn-client" in my spark-defaults.conf file too.
> The working spark-shell and my non-working example application both
> display spark.scheduler.mode=FIFO on the Spark UI. Is that what you are
> asking about? I haven't actually messed around with different scheduler
> modes yet.
> One more thing I should mention is that the YARN ResourceManager tells me
> the following on my 5-node cluster, with one node being the master and not
> running a NodeManager:
> Memory Used: 1.50 GB (this is the running ApplicationMaster that's waiting
> and waiting for the executors to start up)
> Memory Total: 45 GB (11.25 from each of the 4 slave nodes)
> VCores Used: 1
> VCores Total: 32
> Active Nodes: 4
> ~ Jonathan
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 6:10 PM, Andrew Duffy <>
> wrote:
>> What pool is the spark shell being put into? (You can see this through
>> the YARN UI under scheduler)
>> Are you certain you're starting spark-shell up on YARN? By default it
>> uses a local spark executor, so if it "just works" then it's because it's
>> not using dynamic allocation.
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 18:04 Jonathan Kelly <>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm running into a problem with YARN dynamicAllocation on Spark 1.5.0
>>> after using it successfully on an identically configured cluster with Spark
>>> 1.4.1.
>>> I'm getting the dreaded warning "YarnClusterScheduler: Initial job has
>>> not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers
>>> are registered and have sufficient resources", though there's nothing else
>>> running on my cluster, and the nodes should have plenty of resources to run
>>> my application.
>>> Here are the applicable properties in spark-defaults.conf:
>>> spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled  true
>>> spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors 1
>>> spark.shuffle.service.enabled true
>>> When trying out my example application (just the JavaWordCount example
>>> that comes with Spark), I had not actually set spark.executor.memory or any
>>> CPU core-related properties, but setting the spark.executor.memory to a low
>>> value like 64m doesn't help either.
>>> I've tried a 5-node cluster and 1-node cluster of m3.xlarges, so each
>>> node has 15.0GB and 4 cores.
>>> I've also tried both yarn-cluster and yarn-client mode and get the same
>>> behavior for both, except that for yarn-client mode the application never
>>> even shows up in the YARN ResourceManager. However, spark-shell seems to
>>> work just fine (when I run commands, it starts up executors dynamically
>>> just fine), which makes no sense to me.
>>> What settings/logs should I look at to debug this, and what more
>>> information can I provide? Your help would be very much appreciated!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jonathan

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