Certainly the only graphs that I can produce are from the SQL queries on
base tables. That basically means that data has to be stored in a permanent
tables so temporary tables in Spark cannot be used (?), Additionally it
only seems to  work on SQL only (and I have not seen any presentation using
anything else). So it boils down take the data out and display it some
chart format. The scatter plot does not work and ends up in freezing the

Having said that I am not sure a polling graph that the thread owner is
looking can be achieved with this. I don't think it will working for
streaming data like pricing update etc. For some presentations it is useful.

Here is an example


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn * 


On 12 March 2016 at 16:53, Todd Nist <tsind...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Below is a link to an example which Silvio Fiorito put together
> demonstrating how to link Zeppelin with Spark Stream for real-time charts.
> I think the original thread was pack in early November 2015, subject: Real
> time chart in Zeppelin, if you care to try to find it.
> https://gist.github.com/granturing/a09aed4a302a7367be92
> HTH.
> -Todd
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 6:21 AM, Chris Miller <cmiller11...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm pretty new to all of this stuff, so bare with me.
>> Zeppelin isn't really intended for realtime dashboards as far as I know.
>> Its reporting features (tables, graphs, etc.) are more for displaying the
>> results from the output of something. As far as I know, there isn't really
>> anything to "watch" a dataset and have updates pushed to the Zeppelin UI.
>> As for Spark, unless you're doing a lot of processing that you didn't
>> mention here, I don't think it's a good fit just for this.
>> If it were me (just off the top of my head), I'd just build a simple web
>> service that uses websockets to push updates to the client which could then
>> be used to update graphs, tables, etc. The data itself -- that is, the
>> accumulated totals -- you could store in something like Redis. When an
>> order comes in, just add that quantity and price to the existing value and
>> trigger your code to push out an updated value to any clients via the
>> websocket. You could use something like a Redis pub/sub channel to trigger
>> the web app to notify clients of an update.
>> There are about 5 million other ways you could design this, but I would
>> just keep it as simple as possible. I just threw one idea out...
>> Good luck.
>> --
>> Chris Miller
>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 6:58 PM, trung kien <kient...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Chris and Mich for replying.
>>> Sorry for not explaining my problem clearly.  Yes i am talking about a
>>> flexibke dashboard when mention Zeppelin.
>>> Here is the problem i am having:
>>> I am running a comercial website where we selle many products and we
>>> have many branchs in many place. We have a lots of realtime transactions
>>> and want to anaylyze it in realtime.
>>> We dont want every time doing analytics we have to aggregate every
>>> single transactions ( each transaction have BranchID, ProductID, Qty,
>>> Price). So, we maintain intermediate data which contains : BranchID,
>>> ProducrID, totalQty, totalDollar
>>> Ideally, we have 2 tables:
>>>    Transaction ( BranchID, ProducrID, Qty, Price, Timestamp)
>>> And intermediate table Stats is just sum of every transaction group by
>>> BranchID and ProductID( i am using Sparkstreaming to calculate this table
>>> realtime)
>>> My thinking is that doing statistics ( realtime dashboard)  on Stats
>>> table is much easier, this table is also not enough for maintain.
>>> I'm just wondering, whats the best way to store Stats table( a database
>>> or parquet file?)
>>> What exactly are you trying to do? Zeppelin is for interactive analysis
>>> of a dataset. What do you mean "realtime analytics" -- do you mean build a
>>> report or dashboard that automatically updates as new data comes in?
>>> --
>>> Chris Miller
>>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 3:13 PM, trung kien <kient...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I've just viewed some Zeppenlin's videos. The intergration between
>>>> Zeppenlin and Spark is really amazing and i want to use it for my
>>>> application.
>>>> In my app, i will have a Spark streaming app to do some basic realtime
>>>> aggregation ( intermediate data). Then i want to use Zeppenlin to do some
>>>> realtime analytics on the intermediate data.
>>>> My question is what's the most efficient storage engine to store
>>>> realtime intermediate data? Is parquet file somewhere is suitable?
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