Hi Michael.

What type of table is the underlying table? Is it Hbase, Hive ORC or what?

By Key you mean a UNIQUE ID or something similar and then you do multiple
scans on the tempTable which stores data using in-memory columnar format.

That is the optimisation of tempTable storage as far as I know.

Have you tried it using predicate push-down on the underlying table itself?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

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On 31 October 2016 at 10:06, Michael David Pedersen <
michael.d.peder...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've got a Spark SQL dataframe containing a "key" column. The queries I
> want to run start by filtering on the key range. My question in outline: is
> it possible to sort the dataset by key so as to do efficient key range
> filters, before subsequently running a more complex SQL query?
> I'm aware that such efficient filtering is possible for key-value RDDs,
> i.e. RDDs over Tuple2, using PairRDDFunctions. My workflow currently looks
> as follows:
> // Create a dataframe
> val df: DataFrame = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM ...")
> val keyValRDD = df.rdd.map( (r: Row) => (r.getAs[String]("key"), r) )
> // Sort by key - and cache.
> val keyValRDDSorted = keyValRDD.sortByKey().cache
> // Define a function to run SQL query on a range.
> def queryRange(lower: String, upper: String, sql: String, tableName:
> String) = {
>     val rangeRDD = keyValRDDSorted.filterByRange(lower, upper)
>     val rangeDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rangeRDD.map{ _._2 },
> df.schema)
>     rangeDF.createTempView(tableName)
>     sqlContext.sql(sql)
> }
> // Invoke multiple times.
> queryRange(...)
> queryRange(...)
> ...
> This works, and is efficient in that only the partitions containing the
> relevant key range are processed. However, I understand that Spark SQL uses
> an optimised storage format as compared to plain RDDs. The above workflow
> can't take advantage of this, as it is the key-value RDD that is cached.
> So, my specific question: Is there a more efficient way of achieving the
> desired result?
> Any pointers would be much appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Michael
> PS: This question was also asked on StackOverflow -
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40129411/efficient-
> filtering-on-spark-sql-dataframes-with-ordered-keys.

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