well I suppose one  can drop tempTable as below

scala> df.registerTempTable("tmp")

scala> spark.sql("select count(1) from tmp").show
|  904180|

scala> spark.sql("drop table if exists tmp")
res22: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = []

Also your point

"But the thing is that I don't explicitly cache the tempTables ..".

I believe tempTable is created in-memory and is already cached


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

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On 31 October 2016 at 14:16, Michael David Pedersen <
michael.d.peder...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mich,
> Thank you again for your reply.
> As I see you are caching the table already sorted
>> val keyValRDDSorted = keyValRDD.sortByKey().cache
>> and the next stage is you are creating multiple tempTables (different
>> ranges) that cache a subset of rows already cached in RDD. The data stored
>> in tempTable is in Hive columnar format (I assume that means ORC format)
> But the thing is that I don't explicitly cache the tempTables, and I don't
> really want to because I'll only run a single query on each tempTable. So I
> expect the SQL query processor to operate directly on the underlying
> key-value RDD, and my concern is that this may be inefficient.
>> Well that is all you can do.
> Ok, thanks - that's really what I wanted to get confirmation of.
>> Bear in mind that these tempTables are immutable and I do not know any
>> way of dropping tempTable to free more memory.
> I'm assuming there won't be any (significant) memory overhead of
> registering the temp tables as long as I don't explicitly cache them. Am I
> wrong? In any case I'll be calling sqlContext.dropTempTable once the query
> has completed, which according to the documentation should also free up
> memory.
> Cheers,
> Michael

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