An update: (Sorry I missed)

When I do


spark.sql("create table sample table as select * from sample view")

Now, I can see table and can query as well.

So why this do work from Spark and other method discussed below is not?


On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 9:49 AM, ☼ R Nair (रविशंकर नायर) <> wrote:

> All,
> It has been three days continuously I am on this issue. Not getting any
> clue.
> Environment: Spark 2.2.x, all configurations are correct. hive-site.xml is
> in spark's conf.
> 1) Step 1: I created a data frame DF1 reading a csv file.
> 2) Did  manipulations on DF1. Resulting frame is passion_df.
> 3) passion_df.write.format("orc").saveAsTable("sampledb.passion")
> 4) The metastore shows the hive table., when I do "show tables" in HIVE, I
> can see table name
> 5) I can't select in HIVE, though I can select from SPARK as
> spark.sql("select * from sampledb.passion")
> Whats going on here? Please help. Why I am not seeing data from HIVE
> prompt?
> The "describe formatted " command on the table in HIVE shows he data is is
> in default warehouse location ( /user/hive/warehouse) since I set it.
> I am not getting any definite answer anywhere. Many suggestions and
> answers given in Stackoverflow et al.Nothing really works.
> So asking experts here for some light on this, thanks
> Best,
> Ravion


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