Hi Storm users,

My problem is that NOT all bolts/spouts get activated/prepared while
running the topology and the picture looks like this:
[image: Inline image 4]

On each topology run random number of spouts/bolts stay idle. Also, for
such bolts/spouts there is no message(s) in logs like:

[INFO] Prepared bolt <bolt_name>:(10)

[INFO] Activating spout <spout_name>:(15)

I'm using:
Storm 1.0.2
Bolts and spouts are written in python (streamparse module)
OS: FreeBSD 10.3
3 VMs: 4 cores, 16 Gb RAM.

I'm not sure whether the problem is in Storm or in VM environment, cause
I've tried running the topology on two other VMs and everything worked
fine, but OS configuration was the same (same VM image) as on current hosts.

Can somebody help?

Thanks in advance!

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