I'm going to assume you're using storm-kafka, and you're asking how to find
the current committed offset.

You can find the offsets in your Zookeeper. In your Zookeeper install
there's a /bin/zkCli.sh script you can use to poke around in the Zookeeper
node system. The offsets will be somewhere in

There's a tool to migrate offsets from storm-kafka to storm-kafka-client
You can very easily modify it to just print the offsets instead (just
delete line 84 and down in the main method). See also the README at

2018-03-05 10:43 GMT+01:00 Ajeesh <ajeeshreloa...@gmail.com>:

> How to dump Kafka consumer offset?
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2018, 10:25 PM Erik Weathers <eweath...@groupon.com> wrote:
>> Agreed, there have been a number of fixes in the storm-kafka spout that
>> might account for that problem.  If you need to debug further on 0.9.x you
>> shoulda dump the Kafka consumer offsets and see if the topology is getting
>> stuck at some specific offsets.  Then examine the data at those offsets
>> using a console consumer to try to infer why the topology would get stuck.
>> - Erik
>> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 2:41 PM Jungtaek Lim <kabh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ajeesh,
>>> Sorry but the version is really outdated, released 3 years ago. Would
>>> you mind upgrading to recent version, 1.2.1 for example and see how it help?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)
>>> 2018년 2월 28일 (수) 오후 9:48, Ajeesh <ajeeshreloa...@gmail.com>님이 작성:
>>>> Hi Team,
>>>>     We are facing issues in Storm version 0.9.4, Storm application
>>>> hangs after processing for 3-4 days. We tried to restart the same Storm
>>>> topology but it will fail within 1-2 minutes by processing around 15K-16K.
>>>> If we decrease the max.spout.pending value then it fails by processing only
>>>> few tuples.
>>>>     If we start a new topology with new Kafka topic then everything
>>>> works fine for 3-4 days. Our daily volume will be around 11 million.
>>>>     Checked the execute latency, it's around 6ms.
>>>>     Checked worker logs, there's no error/exceptions.
>>>>     Storm visualization graph shows all nodes in "green" color.
>>>>     Workflow:
>>>>         KafkaSpout->Bolt-1->Bolt-2->Bolt-3->Bolt-4.
>>>>     Storm configurations:
>>>>         No. of workers: 10
>>>>         No. of executors: 260
>>>>         Max Spout Pending: 50
>>>>         No. of KafkaSpout executors: 10
>>>>     TODO:
>>>>         1. Wanna take a thread dump
>>>>          2. Is there anything you require to know more about this issue?
>>>> Analyzed worker logs in debug mode:
>>>>     2018-02-28T05:12:51.462-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing
>>>> at offset=163348 with _pending.size()=3953 pending and
>>>> _emittedToOffset=168353
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:12:51.461-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing at
>>>> offset=195116 with _pending.size()=4442 pending and _emittedToOffset=199437
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:12:51.463-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing at
>>>> offset=194007 with _pending.size()=4442 pending and _emittedToOffset=199437
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:12:51.463-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing at
>>>> offset=194700 with _pending.size()=4442 pending and _emittedToOffset=199437
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:12:51.463-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing at
>>>> offset=193891 with _pending.size()=4442 pending and _emittedToOffset=199437
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:12:51.463-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing at
>>>> offset=194455 with _pending.size()=4442 pending and _emittedToOffset=199437
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:12:51.463-0500 s.k.PartitionManager [DEBUG] failing at
>>>> offset=194632 with _pending.size()=4442 pending and _emittedToOffset=199437
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.241-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d003e after 10ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.703-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x361d81df7a80048 after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.703-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d003d after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.745-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30043 after 2ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.775-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30045 after 3ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.849-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x361d81df7a80044 after 1ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:05.969-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30046 after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:07.067-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30041 after 11ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:07.131-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d003c after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:07.135-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30042 after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:07.140-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d003b after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:07.150-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30044 after 0ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:08.319-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x361d81df7a8004b after 6ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:08.938-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d0042 after 1ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:08.977-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x161d81df7a30047 after 10ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:08.985-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d0043 after 6ms
>>>> 2018-02-28T05:14:08.985-0500 o.a.z.ClientCnxn [DEBUG] Got ping response
>>>> for sessionid: 0x261d81e8b3d0044 after 7ms

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