Hi everybody,

I’m trying to do some preliminary tests with storm, to understand how far it 
can go. Now I’m focusing on trying to understand which is his maximum 
throughput in terms of tuples per second. I saw the benchmark done by the guys 
at Hortonworks (ref: 
<https://it.hortonworks.com/blog/microbenchmarking-storm-1-0-performance/>) and 
in the first test they reach a spout emission rate of 3.2 million tuples/s. 

I tried to replicate the test, a simple spout that emits continuously the same 
string “some data”. Differently from them, I’m using Storm 1.1.1 and the storm 
cluster is set up on my laptop, anyway I’m just testing one spout not an entire 
topology, but if you think that more configuration information are needed, just 

To compute the throughput I ask the total amount of tuples processed to the UI 
APIs each 10s and I subtract it by the previous measure to have the amount of 
tuples int the last 10s. What the mathematics give to me is something around 
32k tuples/s.

I don’t think to be wrong saying that 32k is not even comparable to 3.2 
million. Is there something that I’m missing? Is it normal this output?

Thank you for your help and for your time,


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