We are trying to build a webservices application that can support *10k TPS*.
I'm trying to do some POC's on strom, but I'm a bit concerned if using
storm is the right fit here. Here is the scenario:

Client will send a webservice request, which we will receive it (using
apache CXF) and push it into JMS (probably kafka or RabbitMQ). From JMS
storm spout will receive it and sent it to the bolt. In bolt we will be
performing the validation that involves db calls, and once done we will
persist the data in no-sql db.

I understand the advantages of using storm, but my concern is that we are
not performing some complex bolt chaining and might be using one or two
bolts. I'm confused whether storm fits well in this case?

P.S. we are planning to deploy webservices on the application server in
cluster setup to support 10k TPS. Not sure if cluster setup is good
approach, but I'll look into it later.

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