
I currently working on a project which looks like yours.

We are using vert.x for implementing web services. Each request is
formatted as json and sent to a kafka topic. After that, we have a storm
topology (using a KafkaSpout) which performs request parameters extraction
and data enrichment on each message before writing them into hbase.

In a development environment (one Vertx instance and storm cluster running
on the same host ) we actually handle more than 10K req/sec.

Hope this helps!

2014-09-19 8:43 GMT+02:00 Ayush Vatsyayan <ayushv...@gmail.com>:

> can anyone provide any leads or insight into it?
> I also looked into the DRPC but, it's deprecated for the native storm.
> While in trident it's a bit complex and I cannot find anything that
> describes the indepth of what all trident is providing.
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Ayush Vatsyayan <ayushv...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> We are trying to build a webservices application that can support *10k
>> TPS*. I'm trying to do some POC's on strom, but I'm a bit concerned if
>> using storm is the right fit here. Here is the scenario:
>> Client will send a webservice request, which we will receive it (using
>> apache CXF) and push it into JMS (probably kafka or RabbitMQ). From JMS
>> storm spout will receive it and sent it to the bolt. In bolt we will be
>> performing the validation that involves db calls, and once done we will
>> persist the data in no-sql db.
>> I understand the advantages of using storm, but my concern is that we are
>> not performing some complex bolt chaining and might be using one or two
>> bolts. I'm confused whether storm fits well in this case?
>> P.S. we are planning to deploy webservices on the application server in
>> cluster setup to support 10k TPS. Not sure if cluster setup is good
>> approach, but I'll look into it later.

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