Thanks for your response John,
Could you explain to me how this would work when I am using Trident? Since
with Trident bolts are abstracted away from the user, how might I configure
my own MetricsConsumerBolt / debug it to figure out why it isn't calling
"handleDataPoints()" ? my metricsConsumer's "prepare()" and "cleanup()"
methods are called, but never the handleDataPoints() function.


On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 1:33 PM, John Reilly <> wrote:

> It is called by the MetricsConsumerBolt which is created by storm when a
> worker is starting up.  When you define a metrics consumer, you should see
> metrics output every 60 seconds.  Also, I think the metrics code was only
> introduced in 0.9.0 so you would need to be running at least that version.
> One other issue I ran into when registering a metrics consumer was that
> the config args I was passing initially because of serialization issues.
> When I used a Map instead of a serializable class that I created, it worked
> fine.  For the packaged LoggingMetricsConsumer there is no config though.
> I think I did run into an issue when trying to configure
> both LoggingMetricsConsumer and my own metrics consumer.  IIRC, if
> initialization of my consumer failed, the LoggingMetricsConsumer would also
> may have depended on the order that I was registering them in,
> but I don't remember exactly.
> Cheers,
> John
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Raphael Hsieh <>
> wrote:
>> Hi, I've been trying to figure out why registerinfg a
>> LoggingMetricsConsumer isn't working for me.
>> I've been able to figure out that it is indeed running, however the
>> "handleDataPoints()" function is never called. Can someone explain to me
>> how this class is used by Storm in order to log metrics?
>> When is the handleDataPoints function called?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Raphael Hsieh

Raphael Hsieh

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