Kris Schneider wrote:

Which may, in fact, be a TC bug. Just tried it on WLS 8.1 SP3 and it worked

I don't think it's a bug.

> <%@ include file="splitHeader.jspf" %> Body <%@ include file="splitFooter.jspf" %>

This is a static include -- meaning that the contents splitHeader, body, and splitFooter are all going to end up being part of the same servlet.

The dynamic include, <jsp:include page="foo.jsp"/>, gets compiled into the original JSP's servlet (the one invoking <jsp:include>) as a call to RequestDispatcher.include("foo.jsp"). This means that you are dealing with 2 distinct servlets -- as opposed to it all getting put into the same servlet. This should explain why you need to TLD's in header.jsp.

BTW, it seems like you should be using <%@ include %> or am I missing something?

- Dave

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