On 4/23/2018 8:04 PM, Prasanth Pasala wrote:
> Found this one also but for almost all, the root size was 3. Below one was 
> anomaly.
> Root Size: 4
> Result: null
> Object: com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4d36d73d
> Object: com.nqadmin.webaccess.LoginAction@7f716c46
> Object: com.nqadmin.webaccess.LoginAction@35224c2f
> Also found that the issue doesn't come up if I am logging in only to the 
> second website (/context2). The issue only comes up if there are users 
> logging in via context1, whose login request is
> forwarded to context2.

Yes exactly. The new log shows, your previous contexts actions
(LoginAction@7f716c46 and LoginAction@35224c2f) are also present in
current context because you forward same request which includes previous
context data, then, Struts ChainInterceptor copies data from previous to
current action :S . As currently Struts cannot handle forwarded requests
well, could you please try REDIRECT instead? sendRedirect asks user
browser to continue with a new request.


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