On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 1:14 PM Zahid Rahman <zahidr1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What developers do isn't testing.
> [Bottom up programmer].

This is demonstrably incorrect (trivially). It doesn't even make sense.

AFAIC the burden of proof is on you, because developers do valid testing
all the time.

(And yes, some developers do some invalid testing some of the time.)

I would challenge the supposition that we didn't test the pacemaker (or the
fuel pump, although it wasn't as extreme, I'd say) within inches of its
life, or the payment processing code (ACH stuff pretty much has to work),
or any number of other projects. You appear to confuse different layers of
testing, all of which are required (to varying degrees), with "testing",
which is not a single thing. You're making a lot of assumptions based on
your specific experience--which is fine, but it might be a good idea to
take a small step back and recognize that your experience is not everyone's
experience, what you're calling "testing" is in fact a field unto itself,
and that maybe some additional experience might broaden your horizons.

Good luck!


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