Thanks for a most respectful reply.
I will give details of an incident later.

On Wed, 4 Dec 2019, 11:06 Dave Newton, <> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 01:16 Zahid Rahman <> wrote:
> > .exe  and  DLLs (C,C++) have unknown internals (AFAIK DLLs can't be
> > decompiled).
> They're just code like anything else. And I don’t quite understand why
> there’s a distinction made here between reverse engineering an exe and a
> jar.
> I also chose Java because one can decompile  classes , so any unknown
> > behaviour can be identified ,
> Decompiling a jar is a small part of understanding its behavior in a
> system. A variety of mechanisms can alter library behavior during load and
> run time, plus the additional layer of abstraction from the JVM, plus some
> indeterminism depending on what GC and JRE decisions were made.
> In any case, unless you’re running on bare metal and assuming we’re
> ignoring cpu unknowns, we’re working in black box environments most of the
> time anyway—it’s just that most of the time we have the luxury of being
> able to ignore this.
> --
> em:
> mo: 908-380-8699
> tw: @dave_newton <>
> li: dave-newton <>
> gh: davelnewton <>
> so: Dave Newton <>
> bl[0]: Bucky Bits <>
> bl[1]: Maker's End Blog <>
> sk: davelnewton_skype

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