After upgrading from Struts 6.1.1 to, these messages began appearing in 
the log, always four at a time:

[WARN ] 2023-12-15 07:33:15 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-109] SecurityMemberAccess 
- Access to non-public [protected java.lang.String 
org.apache.struts2.components.UIBean.disabled] is blocked!

The problem seems to be related to this radio button tag in a JSP. When I 
remove it from the JSP, the messages disappear.

<s:radio name=“status" label=“Status" list="statuses" />

"statuses" refers to a HashMap that is placed on the ValueStack by a preceding 
setup action, where it is a private attribute:

private HashMap<Character, String> statuses;

public HashMap<Character, String> getStatuses() { return statuses; }

Can anyone explain why the messages appear, and if it's safe to ignore them?

Ralph Grove

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