Rick Reumann wrote:
Vic Cekvenich wrote the following on 10/11/2004 7:34 PM:

"Walk toward the light"

Vic, I briefly read over the article.

I was hoping people would do the 3 pages of code to check out, or download it. It's for programing more than reading.

I agree that we'll see more and
more rich clients,

Oh, yeah!

but one of the problems is people aren't going to
want to always install stuff on their desktop in order to run an application

Yes, if somone coded it, you'd realize that people don't have to do that. JNLP and netx, etc. make it just as easy. We both have the same clients, and I am aware of those issues.

 - so I wouldn't go so far as to say HTML will be "dead."

Of course, existing projects need to be maintained. But new projects that take 6 months to develop and one would operate for 3 years to get ROI. I suggest that a year from now you want to say that you have 12 monhts of RiA/SoA experience. HTML is a 10 year old technology, and all technolgies have early adopteros and late adaptors. In '93, 1% of internet traffic was http, people could not belive that it would take over.
No need to learn new HTML skill I think, like bying a portelt book, you won't get use out it.

Flash is nice because it runs almost seemlessly within the browser since the plugin is so easy to install.

Yes, Flash runs in a borwser. What if JDNC let you bypass the browser. The thing about disruptive techologies is that no one sees them coming.
Like FM radio, all the big borcasters could not belive it.

I'm not convinced, yet, that something
like Java Desktop will be that ubiquitous that it will replace the likes of the browser as a client.

Some RiA will end up dominating. Candiates include Flash, XAML, JDNC, XUL, Visual Basic, ....

I see advantages of JDNC, so please consider witing a hello world.
My predction: Within 6 months there will be tutorial on your site of how to do "RiA".


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