On 2/9/07, Chaudhary, Harsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just tried it out and it does not work.

My code look like this:

I am using indexted='true' in my JSP file so an element looks like:

<html:text name="element" property="addressLine1" size="20" value=""
maxlength="35" indexed="true"/>

The rendered JSP looks like:

<input type="text" name="element[0].addressLine1" maxlength="35"
size="20" value="Addr one">

Usually you would use this within a <logic:iterate> tag - something
like the following where you have a getAddressList() property that
returns your list:

 <logic:iterate id="addressList" name="form" property="addressList">
     <html:text name="addressList" property="addressLine1"/>

By using an "id" on the iterate tag thats the same as your list
property name it then generates the following kind of thing...

 <input type="text" name="addressList[0].addressLine1" ...>
 <input type="text" name="addressList[2].addressLine1" ...>

My validation XML looks like:

          <form name="AddressForm">
                        <field property="addressLine1"
indexedListProperty="element" depends="required">
                                <msg name="required"

 <form name="AddressForm">
     <field property="addressLine1"
          indexedListProperty="addressList" depends="required">


Also, keeping in mind that I have 10 address fields which are required
only if the fields are visible (it is a show hide kind of thing using
JavaScript), is this even a good way to go in my case.

Or should I just go ahead and build a custom validator.


-----Original Message-----
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 4:35 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Validating list backed struts form

Specify the property in your form which returns the list of addresses
using the "indexedListProperty" element in your validation.xml -
"property" is then the property of a bean in that list. Something

<form name="Customer">

    <field property="city" indexedListProperty="addressList"

    <field property="state" indexedListProperty="addressList"



On 2/8/07, Chaudhary, Harsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to validate a form which has an arraylist of Address
> objects. I would like some pointers on this or any references etc.
> Harsh.

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