I may be getting way off-topic at this point -- sorry about that. I'm
not sure where to ask these sorts of questions.

I now seem to be crashing Firebug and Firefox underneath it every time I
run it. I walk through the method line by line:

function addCheckBoxValuesToForm(locationStr) {
  var checkForm = document.forms['checkbox-form'];
  if (checkForm) {
    var checkboxes_across = new Array();
    var selectedCheckBoxes = new Array();
    var boxesAcross = checkForm.elements['checkbox_ids_across'].value;

On that last line, everything crashes and I get the message that
"Firefox has to close -- sorry for the inconvenience and tell Microsoft
about it so we can gloat." (or something like that ;).

On the previous lines, I did find a checkForm correctly, so it does find
the correct form, but the array of elements for the form is showing up
as empty. I suppose I could test if boxesAcross is null before trying to
get its value, but it shouldn't be null to begin with.

The especially strange thing is that this method is running fine:

function checkSelectedCheckBoxes() {
  var checkForm = document.forms['checkbox-form'];
  if (checkForm) {
    var selectedCheckBoxValues =

  // if there are no check boxes then just ignore
    if(selectedCheckBoxValues == '') {
        return ;

This is called against the same form as the first one, and looks for the
same input element inside it. When the second one is called, there isn't
anything in that element yet so we just return, and the rest of the
method (which I haven't included here) doesn't run, but that's correct.

When the second method runs, it finds the same form in the same way, but
it also finds all of the elements inside it. I'm not sure what could be
different between them. I'm tearing my hair out!!!

Any insights?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Loschen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 4:32 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page

OK, I've installed Firebug and also Firefox (a good thing since we
support it anyway, so it's good to have it on my system). It did find
some stuff I missed right away including the JS error on page load
(which turned out to be in a method I hadn't showed you -- oops!). 

But I'm still not getting any results, and I'm not sure why. My JS
function gets the form OK and the action, name, etc. are all correct.
But the form in the debugger has no elements and no child nodes, while
my form on the page has this code:

<input type="hidden" name="checkbox_ids_across" value="">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkboxes" value="32">

So I would expect I would have at least a string for checkbox_ids_across
and an array of strings for the checkboxes. Is that right? I must be
missing something.

The bit of code I'm looking at so far is:

function addCheckBoxValuesToForm(locationStr)
 var form = document.forms['checkbox-form'];
 if (form){
 var checkboxes_across = new Array();
 var selectedCheckBoxes = new Array();
 var formCheckboxAcross = form.elements['checkbox_ids_across'];
 if(formCheckboxAcross!=null && formCheckboxAcross!="") {
 selectedCheckBoxes = formCheckboxAcross;
 if (selectedCheckBoxes.length > 0) {

 var checkboxes = form.elements['checkboxes'];


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 3:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page

Yeah, as musachy suggests, Firebug is your friend :)  I personally tend 
to code my JS to always go after specific IDs rather than using any of 
the common collections... that usually works just fine as long as you 
don't have multiple dynamic forms.


Christopher Loschen wrote:
> Happy to provide an opportunity for self-promotion :-)!
> I think you're right about dropping the params somewhere. I've been
> trying today to set up a new approach, which seems simpler to me, but
> which is still fighting me. The basic idea is to use the form to hold
> the array of values I need rather than just sticking them up onto the
> URL. To that end, I rewrote the JS function like this:
> function addCheckBoxValuesToForm(locationStr)
> {
>   var form = document['checkbox-form'];
>   if (form){
>     var checkboxes_across = new Array();
>     var selectedCheckBoxes = new Array();
>     var formCheckboxAcross = form.elements['checkbox_ids_across'];
>     if(formCheckboxAcross!=null && formCheckboxAcross!="") {
>       selectedCheckBoxes = formCheckboxAcross;
>     }
>     if (selectedCheckBoxes.length > 0) {
>       checkboxes_across.push(selectedCheckboxes);
>     }
>     var checkboxes = form.elements['checkboxes'];
>     if (checkboxes)
>     {
>       var checkStr = new Array();
>       var uncheckedStr = new Array();
>       // If the no.of checkboxes is one then converting the checkbox
> object to
>       // Checkbox array.
>       if(checkboxes.type == "checkbox")
>       {
>         checkboxes = [checkboxes];
>       }
>       for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; ++i)
>       {
>         if (checkboxes[i].checked)
>         {
>           checkStr.push(checkboxes[i].value);
>         }
>         else
>         {
>            uncheckedStr.push(checkboxes[i].value);
>         }
>       }
>       if (checkStr.length > 0)
>       {
>         form.elements['checkbox_id'] = checkStr;
>         checkboxes_across.push(checkStr);
>       }
>       if (uncheckedStr.length > 0)
>       {
>         form.elements['uncheckbox_id'] = uncheckedStr;
>       }
>     }
>     form.elements['checkbox_ids_across'].value = checkboxes_across;
>   }
>   document.location.href = locationStr;
> }
> I've got appropriate setters and getters in my Java form (I think,
> though I have to use Identifier[] objects rather than String[], so I
> might need to convert that), and I also added a hidden field
> "checkbox_ids_across" into my form on the JSP form. But I'm still
> getting a JS error when I open the page that "checkbox_ids_across" is
> null or not an object, and it's still not doing what it's supposed to
> do.
> Any suggestions? Thanks!
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 5:30 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page
> On Thu, February 8, 2007 4:46 pm, Christopher Loschen wrote:
>> Thanks Frank -- I've been reading your posts on JWP with great
> interest
>> for quite a while, and I'll bet your book is another good resource.
> *Of course* it is :) (what, you expected a different answer?!?)  FYI,
> new book, "Practical JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects", is
> scheduled to hit shelves in mid-April (never pass up the chance for a
> little shameless self-promotion I've been told!)
>> The current project (or at least this piece of it) has to be finished
> by
>> tomorrow, so I may not be able to introduce Ajax just yet. However,
> I'm
>> definitely interested in learning more about it, and will no doubt
>> it more as I learn more.
> Sounds good.  I'd say it's not generally something you want to jump
> on a tight deadline if you have't done as much client-side
> development...
> many good Java developers have a bit of a rough time early on when
> trying
> to do more client-side stuff... seems like it should be simpler most
> say,
> but it isn't usually :)
>> Meanwhile, I'm looking at a possibly related problem. We've got
>> checkboxes on multiple pages and a JS function which keeps track of
>> which boxes are checked on which page so that we can go from page to
>> page and retain the boxes checked on other pages. That works by
> putting
>> the checkbox ids into the URL for the page. It's working correctly,
> more
>> or less, but now I find that when I actually am ready to use the
>> of checkboxes, I'm getting only the ones on the current page, not the
>> rest. My Java method is getting the correct request parameters, but
>> always returns null. Perhaps that's because the request parameters
>> associated with one action (which displays the appropriate page of
>> list) and my action class is associated with a different action (to
>> store the checkbox values and process the result)? If that's right, I
>> guess I need to get those values into my action too. Does that sound
>> like a reasonable guess?
> Hmm... I'm not sure I followed the whole thing, but it sure sounds
> your dropping the params somewhere... my guess is that you aren't
> replicating the whole query string with each request, which you'd need
> to
> do.
> However, I'd definitely say you probably want to be storing that info
> session in the first place... then it's relatively easy to pass it
> with every single request for all pages that need it.
>> Chris
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 10:30 AM
>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>> Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page
>> Theres a ton of choice on which AJAX library to use, many of them
>> good.  However, since your working in Java specifically, and since
>> say
>> you are not all that familiar with JS, you may prefer a solution that
>> will
>> (in most cases) require ZERO Javascript coding, and such a thing
> exists:
>> ib/package-summary.html
>> This is the AjaxParts Taglib (APT), which is a part of Java Web Parts
>> (JWP):
>> http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
>> With this, let's say you want to update a specific <div> in response
> to
>> a
>> button being clicked on a page with some data returned by the server
>> without refreshing the page, in your JSP you would have:
>> <div id="myDiv">Response will go here</div>
>> <input type="button" value="Click for AJAX"><ajax:event
>> ajaxRef="ajaxFunctions/button1" />
>> <ajax:enable />
>> That's it, no JavaScript at all!  The other piece to the puzzle is an
>> XML
>> file like so:
>> <ajaxConfig>
>>   <group ajaxRef="ajaxFunctions">
>>     <element ajaxRef="button1">
>>        <event type="onClick">
>>          <requestHandler type="std:SimpleRequest" target="/myURL">
>>            <parameter></parameter>
>>         </requestHandler>
>>         <responseHandler type="std:InnerHTML">
>>           <parameter>myDiv</parameter>
>>         </responseHandler>
>>       </event>
>>     </element>
>>   </group>
>> </ajaxConfig>
>> The XML file maps via the ajaxRef values to the ajaxRef in the
>> <ajax:event> tag, and it defines what's going to happen in response
>> some event (onClick in this case), which in this case is simply an
>> request to /myURL with no data passed, and then what happens when the
>> response comes back, which is it will be inserted into myDiv via
>> innerHTML.
>> There's a whole bunch of request and response handlers available out
> of
>> the box which tend to cover most needs, things like submitting forms,
>> executing some returned Javascript, sending XML automatically
>> constructed
>> from form data, transforming returned XML via XLT, and so on.  You
> also
>> have the ability to write your own handlers (just plain Javascript)
>> you
>> need something that isn't covered.
>> hth,
>> Frank
>> --
>> Frank W. Zammetti
>> Founder and Chief Software Architect
>> Omnytex Technologies
>> http://www.omnytex.com
>> AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
>> Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
>>  (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
>> Java Web Parts - http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
>>  Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
>> On Thu, February 8, 2007 9:49 am, Musachy Barroso wrote:
>>> Check Prototype out, here is a good tutorial:
>>> http://www.sergiopereira.com/articles/prototype.js.html, basically
>> what
>>> you need is something like:
>>> |**var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
>>>                     url,
>>>                     {
>>>                             method: 'get',
>>>                             parameters: Form.serialize("formid"),
>>>                             onComplete: function() {
>>>                                 //do something here, or not :)
>>>                             }
>>>                     });**|
>>> regards
>>> musachy
>>> Christopher Loschen wrote:
>>>> I'm not all that familiar with JS, to be honest, and I've never had
>> the
>>>> chance to use Ajax (but want to learn). What I have now is working,
>> but
>>>> I'd be happy to learn how to do it without refreshing the page --
>> that
>>>> does seem like a more elegant solution to me. What do you suggest?
> We
>> do
>>>> use JS for our app, but no JS framework as such as far as I can
> tell.
>>>> Chris
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Musachy Barroso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 8:03 AM
>>>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>>> Subject: Re: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page
>>>> Like I said before you can use Ajax to submit the form, and the
>>>> won't
>>>> refresh, how to do it depends on what JS framework you are using,
>>>> any.
>>>> regards
>>>> musachy
>>>> On 2/8/07, Christopher Loschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, you're right that the form submit was causing the system to
>>>> forward
>>>>> to whatever the action said, which in my case was the blank page.
>>>> You'll see
>>>>> from the later emails in the thread yesterday that I solved that
>>>>> forwarding to the action which populated the original page.
>>>>> I need the form.submit because I need to get the checked boxes
>>>> the
>>>>> form and I need to call the action specified in the action
> attribute
>>>> on that
>>>>> form in order to put those checkbox values into the request in the
>>>> form that
>>>>> my downstream code needs.
>>>>> Submitting the form is the only way I know to get the form values
>> the
>>>> user
>>>>> submits from the HTML page to my Java code -- are you saying that
>>>> have
>>>>> other alternatives?
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Yee Kai Lai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> Sent: Thu 2/8/2007 12:24 AM
>>>>> To: user@struts.apache.org
>>>>> Subject: RE: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page
>>>>> It returns a blank page might be due to
>>>>> form.submit(); in your JS.
>>>>> I think if you have a form named
>>>> 'service.device.selected-devices-form'
>>>>> then
>>>>> it will never be null hence it will always submit.
>>>>> May you could enlightened why u need a form.submit() ?
>>>>>> From: "Christopher Loschen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <user@struts.apache.org>
>>>>>> To: <user@struts.apache.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Struts action call in a JS method returns blank page
>>>>>> Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 14:14:35 -0500
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I'm honestly unsure if I'm having a problem with Struts (sadly,
>> 1.1)
>>>> or
>>>>>> with Javascript, or something else. But my best guess is it's a
>>>> Struts
>>>>>> issue, and anyway, there are a lot of very knowledgeable people
>>>> both
>>>>>> of those technologies here, so I hope someone can help. Bottom
>> line:
>>>> I'm
>>>>>> getting the popup with the correct values, but my main page under
>> the
>>>>>> popup becomes blank.
>>>>>> I'm adding some functionality to an existing application. The
>>>>>> functionality I'm adding takes the values from some checkboxes on
>>>> page
>>>>>> A, gets the corresponding devices from the checkbox values, and
>> saves
>>>>>> the resulting List into the request. Later down the stream, other
>>>> code
>>>>>> gets those values again and uses them as a list of devices on
> which
>>>> to
>>>>>> perform an action. Pretty straightforward.
>>>>>> All of the actual navigation is happening via Javascript calls,
>>>> starting
>>>>>> with a link on page A, but outside the form where my checkboxes
> are
>>>>>> declared. That link fires a Javascript function which pops up a
>> small
>>>>>> window with a list of actions which have been defined. If the
>>>> then
>>>>>> clicks on one of those actions, another Javascript function fires
>>>> which
>>>>>> pops up another window to confirm that the user wants to perform
>> the
>>>>>> selected action on the selected devices.
>>>>>> I have inserted my added functionality into that second script.
>>>>>> Basically I need to submit the appropriate form on the page. I've
>>>>>> defined it with the correct action and I've got a mapping in my
>>>>>> struts-config.xml file:
>>>>>>     <form-bean
>>>>>>      name="service.device.selected-devices-form"
>>>>>>      type="com.xxx.webapp.common.CheckboxForm"/>
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>     <action path="/service/device/actions/store-selected-devices"
>>>>>> type="com.xxx.webapp.service.list.StoreSelectedDevicesAction"
>>>>>>             name="service.device.selected-devices-form" />
>>>>>> The mapping doesn't have any action forwards defined because it
>>>> doesn't
>>>>>> actually need to go anywhere (though that might be part of my
>>>> problem).
>>>>>> The JS function looks like this:
>>>>>> function popActionConfirm(url) {
>>>>>>   var form =
>> document.forms['service.device.selected-devices-form'];
>>>>>>   if (form!=null) form.submit();
>>>>>>   var winl = (screen.width - 500) / 2;
>>>>>>   var wint = (screen.height - 350) / 2;
>>>>>>     winprops =
>>>> =
>>>>>> 0';
>>>>>>   var child = window.open(url,"action_confirm", winprops);
>>>>>>   self.name="main_window";
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I added the first two lines of the JS method - it worked
>>>>>> before I put those in (though of course it didn't have my added
>>>>>> functionality in place). The popup window does appear, and it has
>> the
>>>>>> correct values in it (that is, the devices which were selected).
>> But
>>>> the
>>>>>> main window goes blank where before it remained unchanged. When
>> I've
>>>>>> seen blank pages like this before, it meant there was a bad
>>>>>> forward in the struts-config file, but I don't want the main page
>> to
>>>>>> change at all, so what I really want is for the main page to just
>>>> stay
>>>>>> in place as it was before the form was submitted.
>>>>>> How do I go about doing that? Thanks!
>>>>>> Chris Loschen
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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
  (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
Java Web Parts - http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
  Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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