Can you log a Jira ticket with the request?


On 2/22/07, C. Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have found a solution to this. The good news is it is a simple
pass-through to the dojo contentpane.

changing this:

<s:div theme="ajax" href="PersonByAge_input.action" executeScripts="true"

to this:

<div dojoType="ContentPane" href="<s:url action="PersonByAge_input"
/>"       scriptSeparation="false" executeScripts="true" ></div>

fixes the issue. Could the developers add a passthrough to the dojo
scriptSeparation property?

On 2/21/07, C. Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a form that I access via an action on an ajax-ish page. (Form and
> results are on same page) It's working great, but I can't figure out the
> validation.
> The page looks like this now:
> <s:div theme="ajax" href="PersonByAge_input.action"
> />
> <s:div id="resultBox" theme="ajax"  />
> with the form looking like this:
> <s:form action="PersonByAge" theme="css_xhtml" validate="true">
>     Between<br/>
>     <s:textfield  name="startYear"  label="Years"
labelposition="top"  />
>     <br clear="left"/>and<br/>
>     <s:textfield name="endYear" label="Years" labelposition="top" />
>     <br clear="left"/>
>     <s:submit value="Find People" theme="ajax" targets="resultBox"/>
> </s:form>
> With validation false, it works great.
> With validation true, I get an error "ReferenceError:
> validateForm_PersonByAge is not defined" and when I look in the
> source, there are no javascript validation methods in the source.
> but if I access the PersonByAge_input.action directly, the validation
> methods are there in the source.
> Have I hit a "not quite ready" area of the ajax theme?
> Thanks.

"Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone?" Pink Floyd

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