Very well stated Greg!  What if our physician continued to practice medicine
using the techniques of the past.  I would imagine everyone here would be in
search of a new Dr.  I don't like to jettison acquired knowledge any more
than the next person.  However, to remain viable in this industry, I have no
choice in the matter.  Sure, there will always be those who claim they can
ride the old stuff to retirement -- hence the end of their career.

P.S. I received my Pocket PC last night via FedEx.  I'm clearly glad the IT
developers who wrote this "kick butt code" are striving to remain current.
Now if I can just figure out how to place a call with it!


On 3/20/07, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/19/07, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I continue to "think in Java", my ruby code will look (structurally)
> like Java.  That's actually a natural progression that people will
> make as they learn to "think in Ruby".

Maybe that's why I haven't fallen in love with Ruby yet.  I haven't spent
enough time with it to start "thinking in Ruby".

Sorry, I'm not trying to push Ruby on you guys, I just want to be
> honest about my experience.

Anybody who thinks they'll be using the current technology for the rest of
their career is (one way or another) pretty close to the end of their



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