Sorry Pablo, I'm not sure about this.

My suggestions are:
- try it in FireFox. If it works, you know you have an IE-specific problem. If it doesn't work, there's something wrong with the code - innerHTML is known to have quirks in IE. I'd simplify the HTML result and work upwards from plain text to find the specific combination of HTML tags that cause the problem (not JSP-tags, the generated HTML)

I'm not likely to find anything looking at the JSP. You'll have to debug it at runtime. I always use FireBug to inspect the AJAX result prior to inserting it into the page.

Pablo Vázquez Blázquez wrote:
Any idea?

How can I fix the "Delete links" problem?

Pablo Vázquez Blázquez escribió:
Well, if I begin my Plugins.jspx with a div tag, it works (before, the begin was a jsp:root tag). But, when the response is loaded (it is the same page but with a new plugin entry), the "delete" link is bad created.
So, 2 questions:

a) why didn´t it work with jsp:root?
b) why delete links are bad generated if, when I access normally to the page, they are fine? (Now, they dont work with ajax. I click and go to the "whole url").
c) Why if I don´t comment the cancel button it doesn´t work?

Thanks to everybody who has helped me.


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