Pranav wrote:
Ok, so here's what I intend to prototype. Please let me know if this will work 
or not.


What do you think? Any comments or warnings would be highly appreciated.

This will work. As mentioned, it won't scale well. As warned by others, don't take this approach if the requirement is not merely the customization of message resources for certain customers. For instance, I use an attribute in the session to customise SiteMesh, Tiles and templates for specific customers (where customer is large and has money and many users). Much more can achieved with that.

Also, if you can also guide me as to how to enable hot-deploy of 
messageresouces properties file on JBoss it would be great.

This is important. If you want to change messages at run-time *don't* use this approach what-so-ever. ResourceBundles are not intended for that.
Switch to a custom database-based solution as suggested by Dave.

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