A couple of things strike me as really odd about this. 

First: why are you creating HTML using strings in Java code? The whole
point of JSPs was to avoid doing exactly that. You should either make
use of .jsp files and the logic tags in Struts [1] or just use regular
servlets if you really want to manually compose HTML.

Second, why is your test environment different from your production
environment? That sort of defeats the purpose of testing, since you can
no longer rely on the fact that something you tested works.

That said, chances are pretty good that you're getting null from that
line because the HTTP request represented by the request object didn't
have a parameter called "actionSelection". I suggest you stick in a
breakpoint and have a look at the contents of the object.

Hope that helps.

[1] http://struts.apache.org/1.3.8/struts-taglib/index.html Looks as
though you're using Struts 1, but you didn't specify a version, so
here's the last release's tag documents. If this is a new app, may I
humbly suggest you use Struts2 instead?  No sense in starting a project
using a deprecated framework.

-----Original Message-----
From: Raghuveer Rawat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 1:18 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Action servlet becomes null in UNIX environment

I have a problem with my application where actionServlet becomes null in
UNIX environment and works fine in windows XP system. While saving data
test environment (UNIX) I am getting action servlet as null in My Action
class. The jsp is built dynamically in as below

*JSP code:*

if (newGuide) {


sb.append("<td align=right colspan=2>\n");

sb.append("<select name=\"actionSelection\">");

sb.append(" <option value=saveOnly>- Save Assessment</option>");

sb.append(" <option value=delete>- Delete Assessment</option>");

sb.append(" <option value=saveSchedule>- Save & Schedule</option>");

sb.append(" <option value=saveRefer>- Save & Refer</option>");


sb.append(" <input type=\"submit\" name=\"save\"

value=\"Complete\" class=Button >");




* Action Class // Action class used for security *

public void setServlet(ActionServlet actionServlet) {

super.setServlet(actionServlet); // Here I get actionServlet as null

ServletContext servletContext = actionServlet.getServletContext();

WebApplicationContext wac = WebApplicationContextUtils





Because of this I get null pointer exception in class Main Action Class
for saving the data.

*Action class code :*

public ActionForward saveHAGuide(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

String method = "saveHAGuide";

Exception ex = null;

ActionForward forward = null;

AppUser appUser = getAppUser(request);

appUser.methodStart(this, "saveHAGuide");

HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);

String action = request.getParameter("actionSelection"); // Here I get
action as null

Action becomes null and it throws null pointer exception.

As UNIX is case sensitive I checked the request parameter which is
actionSelection in this class and I do not see any problem with it. I
know why action servlet becomes null at this point. Please suggest if
have any idea about this.

Note: This happens only in test environment (UNIX). Works fine in my
system (Windows XP) .

Thanks and regards,

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